Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 21 – And the Asteroid Pirates

“Roger. Start circling and I’ll alert the crash and rescue crews.”

Tom’s conversation with the tower gave no hint of the danger ahead. The shearing-off of the right wheel meant the main landing-gear brakes would be useless!

As the jet circled the Enterprises field, the fuel-gauge needle crept slowly toward Empty. Tom could feel his stomach muscles tightening. At last he glanced toward Tom Sr. “All set, Dad?”

“Any time, son.”


The sight of his father’s calm face helped to steel Tom’s nerves. He picked up the microphone. “Okay, I’m coming in.”

“Roger! And good luck, skipper!”

Tom banked into position and brought the jet swooping down at an approach speed slightly faster than normal. There was a scarcely perceptible jar as the lone main wheel touched down-then they were screaming along the runway.

Beads of perspiration stood out on Tom’s forehead.

“The trickiest part’s still ahead!” he thought. Tom could feel the lessening of control as the jet lost speed. The right wing was drooping now. Tom fought to hold it up for precious moments longer. Suddenly the wing scraped the ground and the plane ground-looped sharply to the right. At the same moment, Tom’s foot slammed hard on the nose-wheel brake. With a screech the craft skidded to a shuddering halt-still intact!

Tom and his father exchanged pale grins, then a fervent handclasp. Both felt limp and shaken. Crash trucks and an ambulance were already racing to the spot, trailed by a running throng of Enterprises employees. Cheers went up as they saw the Swifts emerge from the jet.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor