Dickens, Charles – American Notes for General Circulation

attributable to the non-existence there of an established church:

indeed, I think the temper of the people, if it admitted of such an

Institution being founded amongst them, would lead them to desert

it, as a matter of course, merely because it WAS established. But,

supposing it to exist, I doubt its probable efficacy in summoning

the wandering sheep to one great fold, simply because of the

immense amount of dissent which prevails at home; and because I do

not find in America any one form of religion with which we in

Europe, or even in England, are unacquainted. Dissenters resort

thither in great numbers, as other people do, simply because it is

a land of resort; and great settlements of them are founded,

because ground can be purchased, and towns and villages reared,

where there were none of the human creation before. But even the

Shakers emigrated from England; our country is not unknown to Mr.

Joseph Smith, the apostle of Mormonism, or to his benighted

disciples; I have beheld religious scenes myself in some of our

populous towns which can hardly be surpassed by an American campmeeting;

and I am not aware that any instance of superstitious

imposture on the one hand, and superstitious credulity on the

other, has had its origin in the United States, which we cannot

more than parallel by the precedents of Mrs. Southcote, Mary Tofts

the rabbit-breeder, or even Mr. Thorn of Canterbury: which latter

case arose, some time after the dark ages had passed away.

Page 167

Dickens, Charles – American Notes for General Circulation

The Republican Institutions of America undoubtedly lead the people

to assert their self-respect and their equality; but a traveller is

bound to bear those Institutions in his mind, and not hastily to

resent the near approach of a class of strangers, who, at home,

would keep aloof. This characteristic, when it was tinctured with

no foolish pride, and stopped short of no honest service, never

offended me; and I very seldom, if ever, experienced its rude or

unbecoming display. Once or twice it was comically developed, as

in the following case; but this was an amusing incident, and not

the rule, or near it.

I wanted a pair of boots at a certain town, for I had none to

travel in, but those with the memorable cork soles, which were much

too hot for the fiery decks of a steamboat. I therefore sent a

message to an artist in boots, importing, with my compliments, that

I should be happy to see him, if he would do me the polite favour

to call. He very kindly returned for answer, that he would ‘look

round’ at six o’clock that evening.

I was lying on the sofa, with a book and a wine-glass, at about

that time, when the door opened, and a gentleman in a stiff cravat,

within a year or two on either side of thirty, entered, in his hat

and gloves; walked up to the looking-glass; arranged his hair; took

off his gloves; slowly produced a measure from the uttermost depths

of his coat-pocket; and requested me, in a languid tone, to ‘unfix’

my straps. I complied, but looked with some curiosity at his hat,

which was still upon his head. It might have been that, or it

might have been the heat – but he took it off. Then, he sat

himself down on a chair opposite to me; rested an arm on each knee;

and, leaning forward very much, took from the ground, by a great

effort, the specimen of metropolitan workmanship which I had just

pulled off: whistling, pleasantly, as he did so. He turned it

over and over; surveyed it with a contempt no language can express;

and inquired if I wished him to fix me a boot like THAT? I

courteously replied, that provided the boots were large enough, I

would leave the rest to him; that if convenient and practicable, I

should not object to their bearing some resemblance to the model

then before him; but that I would be entirely guided by, and would

beg to leave the whole subject to, his judgment and discretion.

‘You an’t partickler, about this scoop in the heel, I suppose

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