Dickens, Charles – American Notes for General Circulation

might with greater propriety be termed the City of Magnificent

Intentions; for it is only on taking a bird’s-eye view of it from

the top of the Capitol, that one can at all comprehend the vast

designs of its projector, an aspiring Frenchman. Spacious avenues,

that begin in nothing, and lead nowhere; streets, mile-long, that

only want houses, roads and inhabitants; public buildings that need

but a public to be complete; and ornaments of great thoroughfares,

which only lack great thoroughfares to ornament – are its leading

features. One might fancy the season over, and most of the houses

gone out of town for ever with their masters. To the admirers of

cities it is a Barmecide Feast: a pleasant field for the

imagination to rove in; a monument raised to a deceased project,

with not even a legible inscription to record its departed


Such as it is, it is likely to remain. It was originally chosen

for the seat of Government, as a means of averting the conflicting

jealousies and interests of the different States; and very

probably, too, as being remote from mobs: a consideration not to

be slighted, even in America. It has no trade or commerce of its

own: having little or no population beyond the President and his

establishment; the members of the legislature who reside there

during the session; the Government clerks and officers employed in

the various departments; the keepers of the hotels and boardinghouses;

and the tradesmen who supply their tables. It is very

unhealthy. Few people would live in Washington, I take it, who

were not obliged to reside there; and the tides of emigration and

speculation, those rapid and regardless currents, are little likely

to flow at any time towards such dull and sluggish water.

The principal features of the Capitol, are, of course, the two

houses of Assembly. But there is, besides, in the centre of the

building, a fine rotunda, ninety-six feet in diameter, and ninetysix

high, whose circular wall is divided into compartments,

ornamented by historical pictures. Four of these have for their

subjects prominent events in the revolutionary struggle. They were

painted by Colonel Trumbull, himself a member of Washington’s staff

at the time of their occurrence; from which circumstance they

derive a peculiar interest of their own. In this same hall Mr.

Greenough’s large statue of Washington has been lately placed. It

has great merits of course, but it struck me as being rather

strained and violent for its subject. I could wish, however, to

have seen it in a better light than it can ever be viewed in, where

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Dickens, Charles – American Notes for General Circulation

it stands.

There is a very pleasant and commodious library in the Capitol; and

from a balcony in front, the bird’s-eye view, of which I have just

spoken, may be had, together with a beautiful prospect of the

adjacent country. In one of the ornamented portions of the

building, there is a figure of Justice; whereunto the Guide Book

says, ‘the artist at first contemplated giving more of nudity, but

he was warned that the public sentiment in this country would not

admit of it, and in his caution he has gone, perhaps, into the

opposite extreme.’ Poor Justice! she has been made to wear much

stranger garments in America than those she pines in, in the

Capitol. Let us hope that she has changed her dress-maker since

they were fashioned, and that the public sentiment of the country

did not cut out the clothes she hides her lovely figure in, just


The House of Representatives is a beautiful and spacious hall, of

semicircular shape, supported by handsome pillars. One part of the

gallery is appropriated to the ladies, and there they sit in front

rows, and come in, and go out, as at a play or concert. The chair

is canopied, and raised considerably above the floor of the House;

and every member has an easy chair and a writing desk to himself:

which is denounced by some people out of doors as a most

unfortunate and injudicious arrangement, tending to long sittings

and prosaic speeches. It is an elegant chamber to look at, but a

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Categories: Charles Dickens