Dickens, Charles – American Notes for General Circulation

if he had any person in his charge who was shortly going out. He

had one, he said, whose time was up next day; but he had only been

a prisoner two years.

Two years! I looked back through two years of my own life – out of

jail, prosperous, happy, surrounded by blessings, comforts, good

fortune – and thought how wide a gap it was, and how long those two

years passed in solitary captivity would have been. I have the

face of this man, who was going to be released next day, before me

now. It is almost more memorable in its happiness than the other

faces in their misery. How easy and how natural it was for him to

say that the system was a good one; and that the time went ‘pretty

quick – considering;’ and that when a man once felt that he had

offended the law, and must satisfy it, ‘he got along, somehow:’ and

so forth!

‘What did he call you back to say to you, in that strange flutter?’

I asked of my conductor, when he had locked the door and joined me

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Dickens, Charles – American Notes for General Circulation

in the passage.

‘Oh! That he was afraid the soles of his boots were not fit for

walking, as they were a good deal worn when he came in; and that he

would thank me very much to have them mended, ready.’

Those boots had been taken off his feet, and put away with the rest

of his clothes, two years before!

I took that opportunity of inquiring how they conducted themselves

immediately before going out; adding that I presumed they trembled

very much.

‘Well, it’s not so much a trembling,’ was the answer – ‘though they

do quiver – as a complete derangement of the nervous system. They

can’t sign their names to the book; sometimes can’t even hold the

pen; look about ’em without appearing to know why, or where they

are; and sometimes get up and sit down again, twenty times in a

minute. This is when they’re in the office, where they are taken

with the hood on, as they were brought in. When they get outside

the gate, they stop, and look first one way and then the other; not

knowing which to take. Sometimes they stagger as if they were

drunk, and sometimes are forced to lean against the fence, they’re

so bad:- but they clear off in course of time.’

As I walked among these solitary cells, and looked at the faces of

the men within them, I tried to picture to myself the thoughts and

feelings natural to their condition. I imagined the hood just

taken off, and the scene of their captivity disclosed to them in

all its dismal monotony.

At first, the man is stunned. His confinement is a hideous vision;

and his old life a reality. He throws himself upon his bed, and

lies there abandoned to despair. By degrees the insupportable

solitude and barrenness of the place rouses him from this stupor,

and when the trap in his grated door is opened, he humbly begs and

prays for work. ‘Give me some work to do, or I shall go raving


He has it; and by fits and starts applies himself to labour; but

every now and then there comes upon him a burning sense of the

years that must be wasted in that stone coffin, and an agony so

piercing in the recollection of those who are hidden from his view

and knowledge, that he starts from his seat, and striding up and

down the narrow room with both hands clasped on his uplifted head,

hears spirits tempting him to beat his brains out on the wall.

Again he falls upon his bed, and lies there, moaning. Suddenly he

starts up, wondering whether any other man is near; whether there

is another cell like that on either side of him: and listens


There is no sound, but other prisoners may be near for all that.

He remembers to have heard once, when he little thought of coming

here himself, that the cells were so constructed that the prisoners

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Categories: Charles Dickens