Blish,James – Nor Iron Bars

opportunity like this for anything.”

“Can’t blame you, sir,” Oestreicher said. “But that body

doesn’t look like it has any solid core. What if you just

sank right through to the center?”

“That’s not likely,” Arpe said. “I’ve got a small increment

of negative mass, and I’ll retain it by picking up the ship’s

field with an antenna. The electron’s light, but what mass it

has is positive; in other words, it will repel me slightly. I

won’t sink far.”

“Well then, who’s to go with you?” Oestreicher said, mask-

ing every word with great care. “One trained observer should

be enough, but you’ll need an anchor man. I’m astonished

that we haven’t heard from Hammersmith alreadyhave you

noticed how tightly he shut down as soon as this subject

came up?”

“So he did,” Arpe said, baffled. “I haven’t heard a peep

out of him for the last hour. Well, that’s his problem; maybe

he had enough after Titan.”

“How about Miss Gospardi?” Stauffer suggested. “It seems

to reassure her to be with you. Captain, and it’ll give her

something new to think about. And it’ll take an incipient

panic center out of the ship long enough to let the other

people calm down.”

“Good enough,” Arpe said. “Mr. Stauffer, order the gig

broken out.”


The little world had a solid surface, after all, though it

blended so gradually into the glittering haze of its atmosphere

that it was very hard to see. Arpe and the girl seemed to be

walking waist-deep in some swirling, opalescent substance that

was bearing a colloidal metallic dust, like minute sequins.

The faint repulsions against their space suits could not be felt

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Categories: Blish, James