Blish,James – Nor Iron Bars

it up making Centaurus, they would be marooned; they would

have made their one round trip one-way. Besides . . . your

drive is more important than anything else on board. Get the

passengers where they want to go by all means if it’s feasible,

but if it isn’t, the government wants that drive back. . . .


“We contracted with the passengers to go to Centaurus,”

Arpe said, sitting down before the computer. “That’s where

we’ll go.”

“Very good, sir,” Oestreicher said. They were the finest

three words Arpe had ever heard in his life.

The Negro girl, exquisite even in her still and terrible

coma, was first off the ship into the big ship-to-shore ferry.

Hammersmith went with her, his big face contorted with


Then the massive job of evacuating everybody else began.

Everyonepassengers and ship’s complement alikewas

wearing a mask now. After the jump through the heavy

cosmic-ray primary that Arpe had picked, a stripped nucleus

which happened to be going toward Centaurus anyhow, the

Flyaway II was leaking air as though she were made of some-

thing not much better than surgical gauze. She was through.

Oestreicher turned to Arpe and held out his hand. “A

great achievement, sir,” the first officer said. “It’ll be cut

and dried into a routine after it’s collimatedbut they won’t

even know that back home until the radio word comes

through, better than four years from now. I’m glad I was

along while it was still new.”

“Thank you, Mr. Oestreicher. You won’t miss the Mars


“They’ll need interplanetary captains here too, sir.” He

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Categories: Blish, James