Blish,James – Nor Iron Bars

the mother of one of the crewmen of the First Centaunis

expedition; by ordinary standards she was in no shape to

stand a trip through space, and surely she would be no help

to anybody when she arrived. She was followed by a striking

brunette girl in close-fitting, close-cut leotards, with a figure

like a dancer. She might have been anywhere between 21 and

41 years old; she wore no ring, and the hard set of her other-

wise lovely face did not suggest that she was anybody’s wife.

Oddly, she also looked familiar. Arpe nudged Oestreicher

and nodded toward her.

“Celia Gospardi,” Oestreicher said out of the corner of his

mouth. “Three-V comedienne. You’ve seen her, sir, I’m sure.”

And so he had; but he would never have recognized her,

for she was not smiling. Her presence here defied any ex-

planation he could imagine.

“Screened, or not, there’s something irregular about this,”

Arpe said in a low voice. “Obviously there’s been a slip in

the interviewing. Maybe we can turn some of this lot back.”

Oestreicher shrugged. “It’s your ship, sir,” he said. “I

advise against it, however.”

Arpe scarcely heard him. If some of these passengers were

really as unqualified as they looked . . . and there would be

no time to send up replacements . . . At random, he started

with the little girl’s mother.

“Excuse me, ma’am . . .”

The girl turned with surprise, and then with pleasure.

“Yes, Captain!”

“Uh, it occurs to me that there may have been, uh, an

error. The Flyaway 11’s passengers are strictly restricted to

technical colonists and to, uh, legal relatives of the First

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Categories: Blish, James