Carolyn Keene. Stay Tuned For Danger

Just then the phone rang.

“Hello?” Eloise answered. “Oh, yes, Mattie, we’re here. Come on up.” Replacing the receiver, she said, “I hope it’s all right if Mattie joins us. I should have asked you first.”

“It’s fine with me!” Bess cried happily.

Nancy went to the vegetable bin and took out another potato. After rinsing it, she popped it into the microwave.

“That’s it,” Eloise said. “Dinner in ten minutes.”

In a few minutes there was a knock on the door, and Nancy went to open it.

“Hi, everybody!” Mattie called as she breezed into the apartment with a bouquet of spring flowers. Nancy was amazed at how carefree Mattie seemed. “Oh, I’m so happy you’re on the case,” she cried, embracing Nancy warmly. “I know nothing bad can happen to Rick now.”

Nancy frowned slightly. Everyone seemed to think Rick Arlen was safe, including Rick himself. She wasn’t at all convinced.

“Did you hear about your niece, this morning’s heroine?” Mattie said, going over to kiss Eloise and hand her the flowers. “You weren’t exaggerating when you told me how brave she was.”

Eloise reddened and looked over at Nancy. “Don’t get the wrong idea,” she warned. “I’m proud of you, but that doesn’t mean I approve of your taking unnecessary risks. Please be careful.”

“I will,” Nancy promised.

Dinner was ready, and the four of them gathered around the large oak table in the dining area.

“Marinated steak. Smells great, and I don’t mind saying so myself,” Eloise remarked. “I may not be the greatest cook, but every once in a while I do all right.”

“I can testify personally that she’s a fantastic cook,” Mattie said with a laugh. After they ate and chatted for a while, Mattie turned more serious and asked, “So, Nancy, what do you think? Was it someone from the tour group who tampered with the light?”

“Well, some people seem to think that,” Nancy answered. “But from what I can tell, his fans aren’t the only ones who’re angry at Rick. There are other people—people who see him every day. Pappas, for instance. Or Lillian Weiss. Maybe others, too.”

“Hah! You don’t know the half of it,” Mattie said. “There isn’t a person on that set who Rick hasn’t alienated at one time or another.”

“Really? Why?” Nancy wondered.

“Oh, Rick’s just— He’s talented, handsome, and rich. Some people would hate him just for that, but he’s also walked over a lot of people to get where he is. He’s used a lot of people, broken a lot of hearts—” She sighed deeply.

Was one of those broken hearts Mattie’s? Nancy wondered. The actress seemed so fragile and sad when she talked about Rick.

“I wish I could point to just one person and say, That’s the one,’ but Rick has made a lot of enemies.” Mattie shook her head and reached for her glass of mineral water.

“People resent his success,” Bess commented. “He was telling me about that today, about how jealous people are of him. How they all want something from him.”

“Oh,” Mattie said, turning to face Bess. “You two were talking together?”

“Uh-huh!” Bess said happily. “We found out we have a lot in common.”

“I see,” Mattie said, looking down at her plate.

“Wait a minute,” Bess said slowly. “You two aren’t going out or anything, are you?”

“Oh, no,” Mattie quickly replied. “That is, not anymore.”

So, Mattie was one of those broken hearts! Nancy thought.

“Oh, phew.” Bess breathed a sigh of relief. “I wouldn’t want to steal somebody else’s boyfriend or anything. You see, he’s asked me out for Saturday.”

“He—he asked you out?” Mattie whispered. Her eyes grew incredibly wide, and her mouth fell open.

“Yes,” Nancy interjected soothingly. “And I’m going along, too. It’s perfect, don’t you think? That way I can keep an eye on Rick.”

“I see.” Mattie looked somewhat calmed by Nancy’s explanation. Still, she turned to Bess with a sudden, compelling stare. “Just be careful, please,” she said, warning her. “You don’t know Rick the way I do—you don’t know how dangerous he can be.”

Chapter Six

“Listen, Bess—” Mattie relaxed her stare a bit, trying hard not to look so severe. “I really don’t want to upset you, but, honestly, Rick can really love them and leave them. Maybe it’s because deep down inside, he’s very unsure of himself. Or maybe he’s become too successful too fast, and— Sometimes I wonder if he can really handle it.”

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn