Carolyn Keene. Stay Tuned For Danger

“What’s wrong with her?” Bess wanted to know as they hailed a taxi on the corner. “She gives me the creeps.”

Nancy didn’t answer. She told the cab driver the name of the hospital as they piled in. “And hurry,” she added.

Stepping off the elevator on the fifth floor, Nancy and Bess had no trouble finding Rick’s room. It was the one with the two police officers in front of it.

Oh, well, thought Nancy, at least he’s safe in there. Still, she couldn’t help feeling as though she had failed miserably. The police were in on the case now, so there wasn’t much point in continuing her investigation. And besides, she hadn’t managed to come up with very much, had she?

“Sorry, miss. You can’t go in this room,” one of the officers told Bess when she tried to enter.

“I must see Rick,” Bess said frantically.

“A Miss Jensen’s in there with Mr. Arlen now.”

Bess froze. “Oh. I see—” she finally managed to say. “Has she been there very long?”

“Ever since we got here, miss. About half an hour.” He cracked open the door to look inside. “Seems like she might be awhile longer, too.”

Bess stepped back, staring anxiously at the half-open door. Through it, she could hear Rick’s voice. And it was not the voice of a confident TV star.

“Mattie! Oh, Mattie, I’m so scared. Someone really is trying to kill me!”

“Don’t worry, my darling,” she replied in a soft voice. “The police are here. They’ll protect you.”

“You know, Mattie, you were right all along. You were the only one who saw the truth. Mattie, if I come out of this mess alive, I swear I’m going to make everything up to you. I need you, Mattie, I need you so badly—no one else ever meant a thing to me. You’re the only one I’ve ever loved!”

“I’ve heard enough!” Bess turned and ran down the hall, covering her mouth with her hands.

“Bess! Bess, wait!” Nancy called after her.

“Leave me alone!” She was fighting back her tears but losing the battle. “I can’t believe it,” she sobbed. “I just can’t believe it!”

Nancy started to go after Bess but thought better of it. Right then Bess needed to work this out on her own. But Nancy wondered about the force of her friend’s reaction. What was it about this guy that caused women to fall instantly in love with him?

Mattie and Rick had stopped talking, and the police officer silently closed the door again. No sense waiting around, Nancy decided.

Out on the sidewalk, Nancy found Bess. Her eyes were brimming over with tears, and her mascara was smeared all over her face. She looked utterly forlorn.

“Come on, Bess. Let’s go home,” Nancy suggested, gently taking her friend’s hand. Bess nodded listlessly, allowing herself to be led.

The two friends were silent all the way back to Eloise’s apartment. Looking over at Bess, Nancy wished she could comfort her somehow. She knew that Bess really hurt. Bess’s brave hero had turned out to be not so brave after all. And worse than that, he was in love with someone else.

As they got out of the cab, Nancy caught sight of her aunt Eloise entering the building. “Hi, Aunt Eloise,” she called as she hurried up to greet her.

“Hi, Nancy—Bess,” she said as they entered the building. “Did you have a nice day?”

“You’re never going to believe what happened today,” Bess said in a soft voice. She had finally gotten control of herself.

“Well, as soon as we get upstairs, let’s kick off our shoes and relax, and you can tell me all about it,” Eloise replied, moving toward the mailboxes.

The three were in the mail alcove when Eloise looked down and spotted a small box wrapped in brown paper on the package table. She glanced at it and scooped it up. “Nancy, it’s addressed to you,” she said, noticing it had no stamps.

As she started to hand it to Nancy, she froze.

The box was ticking!

Chapter Thirteen

Nancy sprang into action. “Bess, get on the house phone and get someone to call the police.”

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn