Carolyn Keene. Stay Tuned For Danger

Beginning of what? Nancy asked herself. An investigation? Was there really anything to investigate? After all, she reasoned, accidents do happen.

Dodging Lillian’s pointed remark, Nancy excused herself and made her way over to the corner of the set. Rick was there, chatting with Bess.

“Ah, my savior!” he said when he saw Nancy. But her quick frown made it clear that she wasn’t going to fall for his lines.

“Hey, girls,” Rick suggested, “why don’t the three of us go back to my dressing room? We can have a soda and get to know each other a little better while they’re cleaning up this mess.”

“Oh, we’d love to!” crooned Bess. Elbowing Nancy in the ribs, she prompted her friend. “Wouldn’t we?”

“I guess that would be all right,” Nancy shrugged. Until security had finished looking around, no one would be allowed near the scene of the accident anyway. And maybe she could use the time to find out a little more about Rick Arlen.

“By the way, who was that woman—Lillian somebody—who was so angry at you earlier?” Nancy asked him as they headed down the empty corridor.

“Her name is Lillian Weiss,” he hissed, making the name sound snakelike. “She’s the assistant director. While Luther is up in the booth playing God, she’s his watchdog.”

“Sounds like she’s not your favorite person.”

“She’s not. But then, Lillian’s just a nobody around here. I don’t let her get to me—she’s not worth even thinking about.”

Just then they came to a door with a polished brass star on it and Rick’s name above the star. “Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly,” he quipped lightly. He ushered them in and closed the door quietly behind them.

The bright lights in the dressing room blinded Nancy for a moment when she stepped in.

“I love this room—it’s so warm and bright. This is the place I go to get away from the craziness out there.” He pointed toward the door. “Let’s see, now,” he mumbled. “I’d offer you a chocolate, but I’m afraid they’re a little bitter. But can I get you something to drink?” Rick opened a small refrigerator.

Bess pushed a lock of blond hair behind her ear before she said, “Okay. Um, a diet soda for me.”

“Pour vous?” he asked, turning to Nancy.

“The same, thanks.”

“You’re a very smart girl. And brave, too. Would you care to marry me?” Rick had taken Nancy’s hand gently in his own, and now he offered her a bouquet of imaginary flowers with the other.

Nancy pulled her hand away and looked at him. “I have a boyfriend. Sorry,” she said, apologizing.

“Ah—I’m crushed. Well, then,” he purred, instantly turning to Bess and taking her hand. “How about you? Would you marry me?”

Bess’s eyes twinkled mischievously. “Okay, you’re on.”

“Oh, you only like me for my looks,” Rick complained. Nancy saw him catch a quick glimpse of himself in the mirror before he gazed back at Bess appreciatively. “But then, you’re not too bad yourself.”

Bess blushed. She seemed to melt into the dressing table as Rick stared at her.

Rick Arlen obviously knew how to flirt, Nancy observed. And Bess was definitely being taken in.

“Well,” said Nancy, trying to break the spell, “for a guy who just barely escaped a terrible accident, you’re in an incredibly good mood.”

“Of course! Of course I am!” Rick said agreeably as he poured the sodas. “I was lucky. That’s the best way to be if you’re going to be in an accident. Don’t you agree? But then, I’ve always been a lucky guy. I mean, I just met you two, didn’t I?”

“Some people don’t think the things that have been happening to you lately are accidents,” Nancy said.

Rick sank into a plush chair and looked at her impatiently. “Some people are also frightened of their own shadows. Look, when you’re a TV star, you have to expect a little craziness. It comes with the territory. Along with a lot of good things, too. Has anyone ever told you that you’re beautiful,” he added offhandedly to Bess. She almost swooned into his costume rack.

She’s really eating this up, Nancy thought. Bess actually seemed to take Rick’s baloney seriously.

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn