Castaneda, Carlos – Don Juan 01 – The Teachings of Don Juan – A Yaqui Way of Knowledge

Appendix B

Outline for structural analysis



Man of Knowledge

To Become a Man of Knowledge Was a Matter of Learning

There were no overt requirements

There were some covert requirements

An apprentice was selected by an impersonal power

The one that was chosen (escogido)

The power’s decisions were indicated through omens

A Man of Knowledge Had Unbending Intent


Soundness of judgement

Lack of freedom to innovate

A Man of Knowledge Had Clarity of Mind

Freedom to seek a path

Knowledge of the specific purpose

Being fluid

To Become a Man of Knowledge Was a Matter of Strenuous Labour

Dramatic exertion



A Man of Knowledge Was a Warrior

He had to have respect

He had to have fear

He had to be wide-awake

Awareness of intent

Awareness of the expected flux

He had to be self-confident

To Become a Man of Knowledge Was an Unceasing Process

He had to renew the quest of becoming a man of knowledge

He was impermanent

He had to follow the path with heart


A Man of Knowledge Had an Ally

An Ally Was Formless

An Ally Was Perceived as a Quality

The ally contained in Datura inoxia

It was woman-like

It was possessive

It was violent

It was unpredictable

It had a deleterious effect on the character of its followers

It was a giver of superfluous power

The ally contained in Psilocybe mexicana

It was male-like

It was dispassionate

It was gentle

It was predictable

It was beneficial to the character of its followers

It was a giver of ecstasy

An Ally Was Tamable

An ally was a vehicle

The ally contained in Datura inoxia was unpredictable

The ally contained in Psilocybe mexicana was predictable

An ally was a helper


An Ally Had a Rule

The Rule Was Inflexible

Exception due to ally’s direct intervention

The Rule Was Non-cumulative

The Rule Was Corroborated in Ordinary Reality

The Rule Was Corroborated in Non-ordinary Reality

The states of non-ordinary reality

Non-ordinary reality was utilizable

Non-ordinary reality had component elements

The component elements had stability

They had singularity

They lacked ordinary consensus

The specific purposes of the rule

First specific purpose, testing (Datura inoxia)

Manipulatory technique, ingestion

Second specific purpose, divination (Datura inoxia”)

Manipulatory technique, ingestion-absorption

Third specific purpose, bodily flight (Datura inoxia)

Manipulatory technique, ingestion-absorption

Fourth specific purpose, testing (Psilocybe mexicana)

Manipulatory technique, ingestion-inhalation

Fifth specific purpose, movement (Psilocybe mexicana)

Manipulatory technique, ingestion-inhalation

Sixth specific purpose, movement by adopting an alternate form (Psilocybe mexicana)

Manipulatory technique, ingestion-inhalation


The Rule Was Corroborated by Special Consensus

The Benefactor

Preparing special consensus

The other states of non-ordinary reality

They were produced by Mescalito

It was contained

The container was the power itself

It did not have a rule

It did not need apprenticeship

It was a protector

It was a teacher

It had a definite form

Non-ordinary reality was utilizable

Non-ordinary reality had component elements

The special states of ordinary reality

They were produced by the teacher

Cuing about the environment

Cuing about behaviour

The recapitulation of the experience

The recollection of events

The description of the component elements


Positive emphasis

Negative emphasis

Lack of emphasis

Guiding special consensus

The extrinsic level of non-ordinary reality

The preparatory period

The period prior to non-ordinary reality

The period following non-ordinary reality

The transitional stages

The teacher’s supervision

The intrinsic level of non-ordinary reality

Progression towards the specific

Specific single forms

Progressive complexity of perceived detail

Progression from familiar to unfamiliar forms

Specific total results

Progression towards a more extensive range of appraisal

Dependent range

Independent range

Progression towards a more pragmatic use of nonordinary reality

Progression towards the specific in special states ofordinary reality


The Apprentice

The fallacious adoption of the conceptual order

The bona fide adoption of the conceptual order

Reality of special consensus

The reality of special consensus had pragmatic value

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos