Catherine Coulter – FBI 4 The Edge

Del Cabrizo needed me to make progress on the drug, you see, and it became a sort of standoff. I told them I’d keep working on the drug if they didn’t kill you. But I couldn’t stop them from taking you. They promised not to kill you if I helped them clear out all the evidence and move the operation to a cabin outside Spokane. They wanted me to get back to work once we moved everything to Spokane out of sight.

They also killed Charlie Duck, an old man who just dug and dug once he suspected what was going on. I told Molinas I was afraid of what he’d found out and that he ‘d talk. With those words, I signed his death warrant. Del Cabrizo sent some goons to his house to search for anything he’d written down about what he ‘d found out. Paul told me that they ‘d forced a lot of the drug down him, then killed him when he tried to break away.

I’m so sorry about what they did to you, Ford. Please forgive me. I heard about your escape. Good for you. My brother the cop, you were always my hero.

I’ve been responsible for so much death and pain. It’s all my fault.

As you know, I got away from them. But they’ve

still got Paul. I know you can track him down if you want to, but they will kill him in a heartbeat if you do. They will probably kill him anyway when they realize he can’t help them. He just doesn’t know enough. Please, don’t you be the one to go after him.

I wanted you to know what happened so you could put me away, maybe tuck me in the back of your mind as at least a bittersweet memory. No matter what I was, what I became, I loved you, Ford.

By the way, you should get together with Laura. She’s perfect for you.

Good-bye, my dearest. Jilly

I slowly folded the pages and eased them back into the envelope. I lit a fire in the fireplace. When it was going strong, I gently placed the envelope on top of the flames.

I sat on my haunches and watched as it burned. I didn’t move until it was completely gone.

“Mac? It’s got to be ninety degrees in here. You lit a fire?”

I rose slowly and walked to my wife. I hugged her tightly against me. “Would you believe that I found an old photo of me hugging a girlfriend and I burned it before you saw it and got jealous?”


“Nolan believes me.”

“Sure, Mac,” she said. I knew she didn’t understand, but she was willing to accept that I didn’t want to explain.

I hugged her for a very long time.

The End

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Categories: Catherine Coulter