Catherine Coulter – FBI 4 The Edge

Alyssum nodded to his wife, then kissed Miss Geraldine’s parchment cheek. “You’ve met our guest here, Geraldine?”

“He appears to be a good boy. Or maybe he’s just tall and good-looking and nothing else interesting. I’ve heard he wants to solve the puzzle of our key letters.”

“I’ve been working on it,” I said.

“So did Charlie Duck,” Elaine Tarcher said. “He told me just a couple of days ago that he was getting real close. I know I never should have thought it up since I didn’t have anything to go with it, and I’ve thought and thought, but without reportable results.”

“BITEASS-not easy,” Alyssum said. He was impatient with this nonsense, I could see. Where was that prick, Cotter?

“Edgerton Town League,” said Elaine. “That would have been better. Simpler. Short and to the point.”

“Not as clever,” said Miss Geraldine. “I’ve always admired clever. Don’t worry, Elaine. I’m counting on our nice-looking fellow here. So you’re with the FBI. Is that right?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I also heard you were in the hospital until just before you came here.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’m just fine now.”

“Are you some sort of hero?”

“No way, ma’am, just in the wrong spot at the wrong time. How about Better Information Through Elucidation And Sober Selection?”

“That’s not bad,” Elaine said, nodding. God, she’d taken me seriously. No, I saw a flicker of amusement in her eyes.

“It doesn’t mean anything,” Alyssum said. “It’s just nonsense.”

Elaine Tarcher gave me a sweet smile. “Keep working on it, Mac. Do you mind if I call you Mac? Good. It’s a nice solid name. Poor Cal, now she’s got a burden to bear-”

“Please, Mother, don’t.”

“All right, dear. I forgot.”

“Maybe,” I said, “if you could tell me the purpose of the BITEASS League, I could come up with something better.”

I know I didn’t imagine it. Elaine Tarcher shot a look toward Miss Geraldine, who just smiled and said, “We do a bit of everything, Mac. I originally organized the League to force a local chemical plant to clean up its waste. With Alyssum’s help, we got them to do it. We discovered we had clout. With an entire town focusing on one specific problem, we could accomplish quite a lot. Now we use it whenever anyone in town needs help or there’s another problem common to all of us. Nothing more than that. It’s worked very well.”

“Usually we’re just a big social club,” Elaine said. “Tomorrow we’ll hold a wake for poor Charlie. The funeral will be the next day. We want to give him a good send-off.”

“Poor old man,” Cal said.

“It’s time for Geraldine to cut her birthday cake,” Alyssum Tarcher said.

I walked with them to the long table where a large three-tiered cake sat, weighted down by more candles than I could count.

“Don’t think we’re insulting her,” Cal said. “Geraldine always insists that the number of candles equal the number of years.”

I saw Paul out of the corner of my eye, cutting through the crowds of people to get to me.

“What’s the matter, Paul?”

“Mac, I just got a call from the hospital. Jilly’s gone. They don’t know where she is. Do you know anything? Did she tell you where she was going?”

Chapter Ten

It was after midnight when we’d all come back to Jilly’s room. I stared down at her bed. It looked like Jilly had simply stood up, lightly smoothed her hand over the covers, and left the hospital room.

“She had no clothes,” I said as I touched my hand to her pillowcase. “She couldn’t have just walked out of here in her hospital nightgown.”

Paul said, “She asked me to bring her clothes this afternoon. I did. I didn’t want to make her feel like she was some sort of prisoner. Believe me, she never said she was planning on walking out of here.”

“This is weird,” Rob Morrison said, walking into the hospital room. “Was she even strong enough to walk out of here?”

“Yes,” Maggie said. “She was getting stronger by the minute. Her muscles hadn’t given out on her. She was only here for four days, Rob. Does anyone here know anything?”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter