Catherine Coulter – FBI 4 The Edge

I forced my libido back into its case and got back to what I’d come for. “I was thinking that the complex doesn’t look more than three years old.”

“That’s about right. My uncle George bought it when they’d just begun building. He died a year and a half ago. I’ll never forget the first time I walked in here. The place was painted dark colors and filled with heavy, old pieces. I just shoveled everything out and had the greatest time making it mine.” She motioned toward the living room, and I followed her back out.


“Nolan likes coffee but I only give him a tiny taste just before bedtime.”

I elected not to sit in the chair that was Nolan’s current hangout. I sat opposite Laura on a pale yellow silk-covered chair. There was a hand-painted wooden magazine holder beside the chair. I saw two suspense novels, a world atlas, and three travel books. No magazines or newspapers to be seen.

“I didn’t go see Jilly yesterday because I had to work. There was a meeting with the Board of Trustees in the afternoon and I had to make a presentation. I didn’t go last night because, frankly, I didn’t feel well. I’m going to see her this afternoon.”

Ill? Had she eaten some of Mrs. Himmel’s shrimp and spent the night in the bathroom?

“You look just fine now, Laura. The flu bug gone? Or was it food poisoning?”

“No, it was a bad headache. Not quite a migraine, but still unpleasant. Maybe it came from all the stress. I came home about four in the afternoon and slept on and off until this morning. I called the hospital just an hour ago to see how Jilly was doing, to see when I should come, but no one would tell me anything. Of course, it was only six o’clock. The most anyone would say was that Mrs. Bartlett was unavailable. Why are you here, Mac? Tell me what’s going on.”

“What was your presentation to the Board of Trustees about?”

Her mouth curved into a grin. “It was titled ‘The New Century’-on library economics in the first decade and what the library should do in order to survive.” “I’m here because Jilly’s gone.” She jumped to her feet, took two steps toward me, leaned down, and yelled in my face, “No! That’s impossible, she couldn’t have died. She just woke up. She was bloody fine, the doctor said so. I called her last night. The nurse I spoke to said she was doing very well.” “You never actually spoke to Jilly last night?” “No, there was some sort of screwup. One nurse answered the phone, then another picked it up instead of Jilly. What happened, Mac?”

“She’s not dead. She’s gone, just disappeared out of the hospital.”

She lurched back, knocking her coffee cup off the table. The cup shattered on the oak floor, the coffee snaking toward a small silk Persian rug. She made a small sound of distress in the back of her throat and stepped back, staring down at the coffee. I got up and moved the rug out of the way. Then I just couldn’t help myself. I took her left wrist and slowly pulled her against me. She resisted, then finally she came to me, wrapping her arms around my back. I said against her hair, “She’s not dead, Laura, but she is gone. I came because I wanted to know if you knew why she left the hospital.”

Laura was tall. She fit against me very nicely. I held her away from me. I had to or I’d never even be able to keep a modicum of objectivity.


“About ten o’clock last night,” I said, taking a step back from her. “We don’t know where she is. I’d hoped you’d know.”

She hadn’t moved. She just stood there where I’d put her. “Why should I know? Naturally I don’t have any idea where she is. How could I possibly know? She’s really missing? Just a second, Mac. I’d better clean that up.”

I waited until she returned to the living room with a paper towel. She went down on her knees and wiped the floor clean. I said, “No one has a clue where she is. No one saw her leave, by herself or with anyone else.”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter