Cornwell, Bernard 01 Sharpe’s Tiger-Serigapatam-Apr-May 1799

The jettis saved the Sergeant till last. The watching soldiers

were in a fine mood now. They had been nervous at first, apprehensive of cold-blooded death on a sun-drenched afternoon, but the strength of the jettis and the desperate antics of the doomed men trying to escape had amused them and now they wanted to enjoy this last victim who promised to provide the finest entertainment of the day. His face was twitching in what the spectators took to be uncontrollable fear, but despite that terror he proved astonishingly agile, forever scuttling out of the jettis’ way and shouting up towards the Tippoo. Again and again he would appear to be cornered, but somehow he would always slide or twist or duck his way free and, with his face shuddering, would call desperately to the Tippoo. His shouts were drowned by the cheers of the soldiers who applauded every narrow escape. Two more jettis came to help catch the elusive man and, though he tried to twist past them, they at last had the Sergeant trapped. The jettis advanced in a line, forcing him back towards the palace, and the watching soldiers fell silent in expectation of his death. The Sergeant feinted to his left, then suddenly twisted and ran from the advancing jettis towards the palace. The guards moved to drive him back towards his executioners, but the man stopped beneath the verandah and stared up at the Tippoo. ‘I know who the traitors are here!’ he shouted in the silence. ‘I know!’

A jetti caught the Sergeant from behind and forced him to his knees.

‘Get these black bastards off me!’ the Sergeant screamed. ‘Listen, Your Honour, I know what’s going on here! There’s a British officer in the city wearing your uniform! For God’s sake! Mother!’ This last cry was torn from Obadiah Hakeswill as a second jetti placed his hands on the Sergeant’s head. Hakeswill wrenched his face round and bit down hard on the ball of the jettfs thumb and the astonished man jerked his hands away, leaving a scrap of flesh in the Sergeant’s mouth.

Hakeswill spat the morsel out. ‘Listen, Your Grace! I know what the bastards are up to! Traitors. On my oath. Get away from me, you heathen black bastard! I can’t die! I can’t die! Mother!’ The jetti with the bitten hand had gripped the Sergeant’s head and begun to turn it. Usually the neck was wrung swiftly, for a huge explosion of energy was needed to break a man’s spine, but this time the jetti planned a slow and exquisitely painful death in revenge for his bitten hand. ‘Mother!’ Hakeswill screamed as his face was forced farther around, and then, just as it was twisted back past his shoulder, he made one last effort. ‘I saw a British officer in the city! No!’

‘Wait,’ the Tippoo called.

The jetti paused, still holding Hakeswill’s head at an unnatural angle.

‘What did he say?’ the Tippoo asked one of his officers who spoke some English and who had been translating the Sergeant’s desperate words. The officer translated again.

The Tippoo waved one of his small delicate hands and the aggrieved jetti let go of Hakeswill’s head. The Sergeant cursed as the agonizing tension left his neck, then rubbed at the pain. ‘Bleeding heathen bastard!’ he said. ‘You murdering black bugger!’ He spat at the jetti, shook himself out of the grip of the man holding him, then stood and walked two paces towards the palace. ‘I saw him, didn’t I? With my own eyes! In a frock, like them.’ He gestured at the watching soldiers in their tiger-striped tunics. ‘A lieutenant, he is, and the army says he went back to Madras, but he didn’t, did he? ‘Cos he’s here. ‘Cos I saw him. Me! Obadiah Hakeswill, Your Highness, and keep that bleeding heathen darkie away from me.’ One of the jettis had come close and Hakeswill, his face twitching, turned on the looming man. ‘Go on, bugger off back to your sty, you bloody great lump.’

The officer who spoke English called down from the verandah. ‘Who did you see?’ he asked.

‘I told you, Your Honour, didn’t I?’

‘No, you didn’t. Give us a name.’

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Categories: Cornwell, Bernard