Cornwell, Bernard 01 Sharpe’s Tiger-Serigapatam-Apr-May 1799

McCandless was right. Colonel Gudin and the Tippoo were both staring down through the screen. ‘This Colonel Ross,’ the Tippoo asked, ‘he says he was looking for forage?’

‘Yes, sir,’ Gudin replied through the interpreter.

‘You believe him?’ It was plain from his tone that the Tippoo was sceptical.

Gudin shrugged. ‘Their horses are thin.’

The Tippoo grunted. He had done his best to deny the advancing enemy any food, but the British had taken to making sudden marches north or south of their approach to enter territory where his horsemen had not yet destroyed the villagers’ supplies. Not only that, but they had brought a vast amount of food with them. Yet even so the Tippoo’s spies reported that the enemy was going hungry. Their horses and

oxen were especially ill fed, so it was not unlikely that this British officer had been searching for forage. But why would a full colonel be sent on such an errand? The Tippoo could find ho answer to that, and the question fed his suspicions. ‘Could he have been spying?’

‘Scouting, maybe,’ Gudin said, ‘but not spying. Spies do not ride in uniform, Your Majesty.’

The Tippoo grunted when the answer was translated into Persian. He was a naturally suspicious man, as any ruler should be, but he consoled himself with the observation that whatever this Britisher had been doing, he must have failed. The Tippoo turned to his entourage and saw the tall, dark-faced Appah Rao. ‘You think this Colonel Ross was looking for food, General?’

Appah Rao knew exactly who Colonel Ross truly was, and what McCandless had been looking for, and worse, Rao now knew that his own treachery was in dire danger of being discovered which meant that this was no time to look weak in front of the Tippoo. But nor was Appah Rao ready to betray McCandless. That was partly because of an old friendship, and partly because Appah Rao half suspected he might have a better future if he was allied to the British. ‘We know they’re short of food,’ he said, ‘and that man looks thin enough.’

‘So you don’t consider him a spy?’

‘Spy or not,’ Appah Rao said coldly, ‘he is your enemy.’

The Tippoo shrugged at the evasive answer. His good sense suggested that the prisoner was not a spy, for why would he wear his uniform? But even if he was, that did not worry the Tippoo overmuch. He expected Seringapatam was full of spies, just as he had two score of his own men marching with the British, but most spies, in the Tippoo’s experience, were useless. They passed on rumours, they inflated guesses and they muddled far more than they ever made plain.

‘Kill him,’ one of the Tippoo’s Muslim generals suggested.

‘I shall think about it,’ the Tippoo said, and turned back through one of the balcony’s inner archways into a gorgeous room of marble pillars and painted walls. The room was dominated by his throne, which was a canopied platform eight feet wide, five foot deep and held four feet above the tiled floor by a model of a snarling tiger that supported the platform’s centre and was flanked on each side by four carved tiger legs. Two silver gilt ladders gave access to the throne’s platform which was made of ebony wood on which a sheet of gold, thick as a prayer mat, had been fixed with silver nails. The edge of the platform was carved with quotations from the Koran, the Arabic letters picked out in gold, while above each of the throne’s eight legs was a finial in the form of a tiger’s head. The tiger heads were each the size of a pineapple, cast from solid gold and studded with rubies, emeralds and diamonds. The central tiger, whose long lean body supported the middle of the throne, was made of wood covered with gold, while its head was entirely of gold. The tiger’s mouth was open, revealing teeth cut from rock crystal between which a gold tongue was hinged so that it could be moved up and down. The canopy above the golden platform was supported by a curved pole which, like the canopy itself, had been covered with sheet gold. The fringes of the canopy were made of strung pearls, and at its topmost point was a golden model of the fabulous hummah, the royal bird that rose from fire. The hummah, like the tiger finials, was studded with jewels; its back was one solid glorious emerald and its peacock-like tail a dazzle of precious stones arrayed so thickly that the underlying gold was scarcely visible.

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Categories: Cornwell, Bernard