Cornwell, Bernard 01 Sharpe’s Tiger-Serigapatam-Apr-May 1799

Sharpe felt the comforting weight of the haideri in his tunic pocket. He thought about following Lawford, then decided to hell with it. Tonight he could afford the best and life was too short to pass up that sort of chance. He decided he would go back to the brothel. He had liked the place, a house filled with curtains, rugs and shaded oil lamps where two giggling girls had given Lawford and Sharpe baths before letting them go up the stairs to the bedrooms. A haideri would buy a whole night in one of those rooms, perhaps with Lali, the tall girl who had left Lieutenant Lawford exhausted and guilt-ridden.

So he went to spend his gold.

The 33rd marched unhappily back to the encampment. The wounded were carried or limped back and one man cried out every time he put his left foot down, but otherwise the battalion was silent. They had been whipped, and the distant jeers of the Tippoo’s men rubbed salt into their wounds. A last few rockets pursued them, their flames streaking wildly askew across the stars.

The Grenadier and Light Companies had taken the casualties. Men were missing and Wellesley knew that some of those missing were dead and he feared that others were prisoners or else still lying wounded among the dark trees. The remaining eight companies of the battalion had marched to support the flank companies, but in the dark they had crossed the aqueduct too far to the south and, while Wellesley had tried to find his beleaguered flank companies, Major Shee had stolidly marched straight through the tope and out across the aqueduct on the far side without encountering the enemy or

firing a shot. The two sepoy battalions could easily have turned the night’s disaster into a victory, but they had received no orders, though one of the battalions, fearing disaster, had fired a panicked volley that had killed their own commanding officer while, a half-mile to their front, the 33rd had floundered about in unsoldierlike chaos.

It was that lack of professionalism that galled Wellesley. He had failed. The northern stretch of the aqueduct had been efficiently captured by other battalions, but the 33rd had blundered. Wellesley had blundered, and he knew it. General Harris was sympathetic enough when the young Colonel reported his failure; Harris murmured about the uncertainty of night attacks and how everything could be put right in the morning, but Wellesley still felt the failure keenly. He knew only too well that experienced soldiers like Baird despised him, believing that his promotion to second-in-command was due solely to the fact that his elder brother was Governor-General of the British regions in India, and Wellesley’s shame had been made worse because Major General Baird had been waiting with Harris when WeDesley arrived to report his failure and the tall Scotsman seemed to smirk as Wellesley confessed to the night’s disasters. ‘Difficult things, night attacks,’ Harris said yet again while Baird said nothing and Wellesley smarted under the Scotsman’s telling silence.

“We’ll clear the tope in the morning,’ Harris tried to console Wellesley.

‘My men will do it,’ Wellesley promised quickly.

‘No, no. They won’t be rested,’ Harris said. ‘Better if we use fresh troops.’

‘My fellows will be quite ready.’ Baird spoke for the first time. He smiled at Wellesley. ‘The Scotch Brigade, I mean.’

‘I request permission to command the attack, sir,’ Wellesley said very stiffly, ignoring Baird. ‘Whatever troops you use, sir, I’ll still be duty officer.’

‘I’m sure, I’m sure,’ Harris said vaguely, neither granting nor denying Wellesley’s request. ‘You must get some sleep,’ he said to the young Colonel, ‘so let me wish you a restful night.’ He waited till Wellesley was gone, then shook his head mutely.

‘A whippersnapper,’ Baird said loudly enough for the retreating Colonel to hear him, ‘with his nursery maid’s apron strings still trapped in his sword belt.’

‘He’s very efficient,’ Harris said mildly.

‘My mother was efficient, God rest her soul,’ Baird retorted vigorously, ‘but you wouldn’t want her running a damned battle. I tell you, Harris, if you let him lead the assault on the city you’ll be asking for trouble. Give the job to me, man, give it to me. I’ve got a score to settle with the Tippoo.’

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Categories: Cornwell, Bernard