Dark Fire by Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 6

She then slowly maneuvered the little car away from the reporter’s side. In the rearview mirror, she kept an eye on him as she drove off. He might follow me, Darius. Should I lead him away from the camp?

You will come straight home, Tempest. And next time do not leave without protection.

She sent him an image of wringing his neck. I have lived alone all my life, you overbearing, king-sized pain in the butt. I don’t need anyone’s protection, and I’m sure not asking permission to go anywhere I choose. You have enough people to boss around already, so give it a rest.

I can see I need to turn my complete attention to getting you in hand, honey. Fortunately, I am up to the task. He sounded far more complacent and sure of himself than she liked.

The way his voice poured over her skin like warm honey and filled her body like molten lava, pooling wickedly low within her, was stranger than anything she had ever encountered. Her own body was betraying her. Weren’t some things in life best left alone, vampires among them?

Tempest. You closed your mind to mine. What is it? Do you think me so formidable that I should not hear your thoughts when you are angry with me? It does not change what is.

Nothing is, Darius . How can you talk to me this way, anyway? She decided the best defense was an offense. Let him try to answer that one. Is it because you can talk to animals the way I do? She believed in giving everyone a gracious out.

So you are admitting to that now. We might actually be getting somewhere.

She glanced in the rearview mirror again. She was flying down the narrow, twisting road, skidding through turns and taking one or two off-the-beaten-path trails. She didn’t see any distant dust to indicate the reporter was following her, but she had a feeling he was trying to do just that, and she refused to lead him back to the camp.

Darius knew that to be completely safe he still needed one hour before he could rise. Locked in the ground as he was, he feared for Tempest’s safety unless she did as he ordered and returned to the area within the perimeter he had set. He considered forcing his will on her. It was tempting, since she was being so ridiculously stubborn, but he would monitor her for now and hope she complied. Only if it became necessary would he compel her to do his bidding.

He liked her mind. He liked her independence, her sense of freedom, her spirit. She would learn she couldn’t get away with defying him, but for now he wanted to handle her as delicately as possible.

Darius? Her voice was soft, hesitant, brushing his mind like the touch of fingers on his skin. Flames swept through his body, setting him on fire. He had to have her soon. Time was running out on his control. He needed her desperately.

I am with you, baby. Do not sound so forlorn.

That’s not how I sounded, she replied, but he caught the echo of her thoughts. Did I?

Come home, honey. Everything will work out. You do not have to sinltehandedly defend Desari from this reporter.

He is not just a reporter.

Darius was silent. How had she known that? He knew it. Several attempts had been made on Desari’s life recently. He had read Brodrick’s aura, found him to be deceitful, covering his lethal intentions with what he supposed to be charm. Tempest had been unable to read all that, but she had sensed a hidden agenda and done her best to divert the alleged reporter. She had done a good job, too. She’d sounded sincere and open, then contemptuous enough to lend authenticity to everything she said.

You don’t have to believe me, Darius. Tempest sounded hurt.

Of course I believe you, honey. Now get back here where I do not have to worry about you. It was clearly an order.

Rusti sighed heavily. He wasn’t getting it. She didn’t want anyone worrying about her. As she approached within a mile of the campsite, she felt a curious shifting around her; the air seemed heavy and oppressive. At once she realized she had encountered a barrier of some sort. It created a sense of dread in her, as if she needed to turn around. Why was she feeling it now? Was Darius amplifying the perimeters he insisted she observe?

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Categories: Christine Feehan