Dark Fire by Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 6

Darius never quite left her mind. It seemed so much safer that way. Tempest, out of his sight, was at her most dangerous. He knew she could talk herself out of their relationship at any moment. Inside the owl’s body, he smiled, a small, secret, male smile. She had no idea of his power. That was his Tempest. She was accepting of his nature, of his special talents, but it wasn’t in her to question closely things she didn’t understand. That he really meant he wouldn’t let her go never crossed her mind. She just couldn’t conceive of him wanting her the way he said. Needing her.

Below them, the vineyards in the Napa Valley began to take shape. Tempest could make out the mountains rising majestically above the rich green valley. A lake shimmered in the distance, reflecting the silvery sheen of the moon. The owl seemed to be making its way toward that body of water, circling lower, dropping into the shelter of a thick stand of pine trees. It seemed much darker beneath the trees, yet Tempest was able to see more clearly than she ever had at night before.

She spotted the troupe’s campsite tucked neatly into the trees. Parked there were the huge motor home, the truck, and the red sports car. Her heart took an unexpected plunge. She thought it rather silly to be dismayed when she’d just soared through the sky on the back of an owl; a few people shouldn’t daunt her in the least.

No , honey, they should not bother you. I have told you repeatedly that you are under my protection. Do you not understand that I would protect you with my life? Darius’s voice was soft and soothing in her mind.

The owl glided to the ground, wings spread wide, gave a short hop, and waited for her to slide off. Tempest touched the feathers lightly, regretfully, one last time as they began to disappear. At once muscle and sinew rippled beneath skin. She felt the familiar wave of heat as Darius’s arm curved around her shoulders and his thick mane of black hair caressed her face.

“These people are my family, Tempest.” His voice was soft, mesmerizing, compelling. “That makes them your family.”

She turned her face away from him, closing her mind to that possibility. Her large eyes searched for trails almost automatically, as if seeking escape. Darius tightened his arm, guiding her toward the camp. Desari’s soft laughter floated toward them. It did nothing to calm Tempest’s wildly pounding heart.

As they walked into the circle, Desari smiled at her in welcome. Tempest noted that Julian was close by, his posture protective of his mate. “Rusti, I’m so glad you’re here. You won’t believe what happened. Somebody sabotaged the truck. I think the idea was to slow us down. It was most likely one of those obnoxious reporters always snooping around or making up wild stories about us.”

Tempest’s relief was overwhelming. “Rusti” could meet the group much more easily as their mechanic than as Darius’s girlfriend.

Girlfriend? His eyebrows shot up. Is that what you think you are? That taunting male laughter mocked her.

She glared at him. No, that’s what you think I am. I know better. Her voice was deliberately haughty.

Darius burst out laughing. His family turned toward him, startled by the rare sound. He ignored them to lean down, his warm breath against Tempest’s ear, speaking softly though he was well aware the others, with their enhanced senses, could hear him perfectly. “I want you to eat before you do anything else. You can look at the truck later.”

Tempest’s eyes flashed fire at him. “You can stick your little owl’s head in the nearest tree, too,” she hissed, furious at him. “Why do think you can get away with always ordering me around?”

He grinned at her, totally unrepentant. “Because I am so good at it.” His eyes flickered over Syndil. Help me out here. She must eat.

Dayan seemed to be having a coughing fit. Desari and Julian were openly laughing. Syndil pushed Barack out of her way, glaring at him so that he groaned out loud. She stalked over to Tempest and took her hand. “Come on, Rusti. Do not pay any further attention to these men. They think they can rule us, but in truth, it is the other way around.” As she spoke, she looked down her nose pointedly at Barack.

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Categories: Christine Feehan