Dark Guardian. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 9

Lucian waved a hand down his body and at once was clothed in black jeans and a black T-shirt. His long black hair hung loose and shone like a raven’s wing there in the darkness. It suddenly occurred to Jaxon she could see as well as if the sun were shining on them far below the earth.

She tilted her chin. If he could do it, she could do it. All she had to do was think about being dressed. Picture it in her mind. She closed her eyes to block out everything else. It took a few moments to clear the fear of spiders and creepy crawlers out of her thoughts before she began to build an image of what she would wear. Lace underwear, the comfortable kind, her favorites. Slim cotton blue jeans and a thin cotton ribbed top. Black, to suit her mood. When she opened her eyes, she was astonished that she had done it. She was fully clothed. With the exception of her shoes. She had forgotten shoes.

Jaxon had to push down the beginnings of a smile. It was amazing to be able to do such a fantastic thing. Immediately she thought of cleanliness, her hair and teeth, her body, ensuring she was as clean as if she had spent a long time in the shower. Then she began to inspect the gravelike cubicle.

She could hear the hearts beating upstairs, the sound of footsteps as intruders moved through the house. She heard the air moving in and out of their lungs. When she glanced up at Lucian, he was grinning at her with that infuriating male taunt. “I will return to help you out of there after I dispose of our guests.”

He actually turned around and sauntered away from her. For a moment her breath stilled in her lungs. She wanted to cry out after him to come back, but her pride wouldn’t allow it. She wasn’t afraid of spiders. Not really. Her ears picked up the sound of something scratching around somewhere close by. Too close. Okay. Rats. There are rats here, Lucian. I won’t put up with rats.

I am certain you can manage until I return. He sounded smug. At least I know you are safely stuck there instead of trying to shoot someone. If any rats come around, try talking to them.

They’re probably related to you, she sniped. Hands on her hips, she turned around twice, trying to figure out how she could manage on her own. She would get out, and she would shoot someone, preferably Lucian. How did he do it? How did he manage to float the way he did? Did she have to picture herself floating to the top? She tried it, but nothing happened. She tried two short hops. Still nothing.

Lucian’s laughter brushed at her mind like butterfly wings. Could she possibly strangle him? If she thought about strangling him, would it work? She knew exactly where he was. In the kitchen. He was moving silently, not a single footstep audible, but she knew where he was. When he breathed, she breathed. How did that happen? How did she suddenly need him so much, need the touch of his mind to hers, just so she could breathe?

She was very still for a moment, waiting to see what Lucian would do next. She did not want him confronting intruders without her, but she knew that was his intention. Suddenly she was smiling. How did something float? It wasn’t that hard. It was lighter than air. So light it just moved through space, drifting upward toward the sky. In this case, more toward the floor of the sleeping chamber, but she’d take what she could get because… Ha! I did it!

She felt his hand brush her face, his touch tender. Inside she was suddenly warm, as if he had praised her. She felt his smile in her mind. I knew you would. Now just stay put while I ask these gentlemen their reason for visiting.

Jaxon rolled her eyes heavenward. That sounds like something I’d do—just sit around twiddling my thumbs while you go serve our guests tea.

Tea was not my first choice, but then, it has been a long while since I was expected to entertain with civility. There was an edge to his voice, as if the thin veneer of civilization had worn through and the velvet gloves were coming off.

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Categories: Christine Feehan