Dark Guardian. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 9

The way he held her was so right. Gentle, tender, yet moving deeply within her, each stroke creating a fiery friction that left both of them reaching endlessly for more. Lucian bent his head protectively over hers, surrounding her with love and warmth and comfort even as her body surrounded his with such perfect rapture.

Jaxon felt her inner muscles tighten, the feeling building and building, the pleasure almost more than she could bear. Her teeth found his shoulder; she was gasping for breath, for sanity, trying to prolong the moment even as her entire body was splintering, fragmenting, spinning out of control. Lucian’s mind was firmly merged with hers. He could feel her body’s reaction to his, and it triggered his own white-hot explosion, intensifying the feeling for both of them. He could feel the ripples of aftershock, her body contracting and releasing around his.

He turned her so that the water cascaded over both of them. Jaxon clung to him, not wanting to give up the completeness of being one. Lucian simply held her protectively in his arms, needing to comfort her. Eventually she lifted her head and gazed into his black velvet eyes.

She looked so fragile, so vulnerable, he was afraid she might break.

“I am with you, Jaxon,” he whispered softly. Very gently he began to separate their bodies, feeling almost bereft. “You will never be alone again. I reside in you as you will always reside in me.” He cradled her gently in his arms.

“I can’t think about it, Lucian. If I try, I go crazy.”

“That is all right, angel. What do you expect of yourself? Instant acceptance? No one could easily accept such a thing. It is a dark gift. We live in a beautiful world, yes, but we must pay a high price for the special talents we are given. And your lifemate has responsibilities that place you in dangerous situations. I would change what I am if I could—the dark angel of death, my people call me—but I am a hunter of the undead, and I fear I always will be.”

Her wide eyes flashed with sudden anger. “They call you that? The dark angel of death’? How can they be so terrible when you’ve given them so much? What right do they have to judge you?” She was instantly protective of him, a young tigress, and he had a sudden vision of her with their children.

The thought made him want to smile. Instead, he turned off the water and carried her out of the shower. Once she was standing on the tiles, he enveloped her with a large towel. Pulling the edges together, he drew her close. “I am an ancient Carpathian male with tremendous knowledge and power. My people know how dangerous that combination is. We are predators, my love, and can turn at any moment when we are without our lifemates. Most males turn after far fewer centuries than I have existed.”

She glared at him. “Don’t you make excuses for them. I’ve been in your mind, and you’re no more a killer than I am.”

He laughed; he couldn’t help himself. She was so innocent, even now, after all they had shared. She could never be what he was, a predator with a thin veneer of civilization and tremendous discipline. She was light to his darkness, his savior, his miracle, and she couldn’t see it. She wouldn’t look at herself through his eyes.

“The dawn is approaching, Jaxon.” He knew it without glancing at the time; his people always knew the exact moment of sunrise or sunset. “Come with me to the sleeping chamber.”

Lucian felt her instant reluctance, the sudden dread seizing her. That made it real in her mind, too final for her to accept. He held out a hand. “Walk with me.” He said it softly, gently, his voice like velvet.

Jaxon stared at his hand, not wanting to go with him, as if somehow by staying in the main part of the house she would remain human. She felt torn, wanting to remain, yet not wanting to hurt Lucian. Very slowly, hesitantly she put her hand in his. His fingers closed around hers, warm and sure. “You will always be safe with me, Jaxon. If you believe that, you will get through this.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan