Dark Guardian. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 9

Jaxon didn’t answer him; what was the point? How could she explain? She just knew it. She knew things. She knew Drake was in the building, stalking more victims, people she worked with. Maybe stalking Tom himself. Her desk drawer contained a gun and a spare clip. She pocketed the clip and moved around Tom. “Just stay here in this room. He won’t come in here where there’re so many witnesses. He’s probably targeted every one of you in my unit.”

“Are you sure about this?” Tom was beginning to believe her. Jaxx might have gotten sick, but she was as steady as ever. There was that look in her eye, the one that always kept their butts out of trouble. “You think he’s here?”

“I know he’s here. You’re in terrible danger, Tom. Stay here and call the others in our unit and warn them. Anyone in the building should come here. It will be safer if you’re looking out for one another. I’m going to hunt him.”

“Not alone, you’re not.” Tom was appalled. “Not only would the captain and Radcliff kick me to hell and back, but that fiance of yours would be likely to break my neck. He’s no one to mess with, Jaxon. He said to keep you safe.”

“Shut up, Tom, and do what I said. This is Drake we’re talking about, and no one else knows him like I do.” She was halfway down the hall, heading for the stairs. Above her was the second story. It was night, and not too many officers would be on duty, but two homicide detectives, the vice squad, and several uniforms were roaming around up there. Below her, on the basement level, would be only two officers, maybe three, and perhaps a handful of prisoners waiting to be transferred to the overnight cages.

“You’re not thinking straight, Jaxx. You’re a cop. Be a cop. You can’t round us all up and put us in a safe place while you hunt. Get organized.”

Jaxon shoved an impatient but rock-steady hand through her hair. “You’re right, Tom, thanks. I think I just wanted to face him.”

“Let’s do it right then.”

Jaxon nodded and moved back down the hall to the phone. “Call them in then, use our code, and get everyone a radio.” She tapped her foot as Tom did as she ordered, anxious to get moving. When the group was assembled, she looked them over carefully, ensuring Drake hadn’t penetrated their forces. “We sweep the building. Tom, take them to the top. Look at everything, no matter how ridiculous. The air vents, under desks, anyplace he could fit. He’s incredible at hiding out in the open without being detected. Each of you should have a number and count off regularly so that he can’t join you. No one go off alone, and never forget he’s a highly trained killer. You can’t hesitate to kill him, because he won’t hesitate to kill you. Start upstairs, and don’t leave anything to chance. I’ll keep in touch by radio. I’m going to the basement to see what’s going on down there. Does anyone know the exact prisoner count?”

“A drunk driver, a couple of petty thieves, and we have Terry Stevens down there waiting for transport.”

“And the officers?”

“Two—Kitter and Halibut,” Tom replied.

“Let’s do it then,” Jaxon said. “Be careful. He’s extremely dangerous.”

“Take someone with you, Jaxx,” Tom insisted.

“I’m just going to make sure everyone’s all right down there. I’ll get Kitter and Halibut to look with me.” The basement was a maze of pipes, file cabinets, and the cages. Jaxon had a strong feeling about the basement. There was every possibility that Drake was upstairs, but she seriously doubted it. She was not going to allow one more friend to die simply because he worked with her or spoke with her.

This had started with her. She couldn’t remember a time in her life she hadn’t known Tyler Drake. He had been more of a constant in her life than even her own father or mother, yet that had become a destructive, twisted, obsessive force. Drake had killed her father to take his place in her life. Her mother and brother had been destroyed so he could have her to himself. She was the one who had to end his killing spree once and for all.

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Categories: Christine Feehan