Dark Guardian. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 9

In the morning the Walachian villagers went forth to fight—and found only the dead.



Carpathian Mountains, 1400

The air reeked of death of destruction. All around were the smoking ruins of the human villages. The Carpathian ancients had tried in vain to save their neighbors, but the enemy had struck as the sun reached its peak. The hour rendered the ancients helpless, as their powers were weakest at that time. So many Carpathians, as well as humans, had been destroyed—men, women, and children alike. Only those of their people who had been far away had escaped the crushing blow.

Julian, young and strong yet a mere boy, surveyed the sight with sad eyes. So few of his kind remained. And their Prince, Vladimir Dubrinsky, was dead along with his lifemate, Sarantha. It was a catastrophe, a blow from which their species might never recover. Julian stood tall and straight, his long blond hair flowing well past his shoulders.

Dimitri came up behind him. “What are you doing here? You know it is dangerous to be out in the open like this. There are so many who would destroy us. We were told to stay close to the others.” Despite his youth, he moved protectively closer to the younger boy.

“I can take care of myself,” Julian declared staunchly. “And what are you doing out here?” The young boy gripped the arm of the older boy beside him. “I saw them. I am certain it was they. Lucian and Gabriel. It was they.” Awe filled his voice.

“It cannot be,” Dimitri whispered, looking in all directions. He was excited and scared at the same time. No one, not even the adults, named the twin hunters aloud. Lucian and Gabriel. They were legend, myth, not reality.

“But, I am certain. I knew they would come when they heard the Prince was dead. What else could they do? I am sure they have gone to see Mikhail and Gregori.”

The older boy gasped. “Gregori is here also?” He followed the smaller boy through the thick forest. “He will catch us spying, Julian. He knows everything.”

The blond boy shrugged, a mischievous grin curving his mouth. “I am going to see them up close, Dimitri. I am not afraid of Gregori.”

“You should be. And I have heard that Lucian and Gabriel are really the undead.”

Julian burst out laughing. “Who told you that?”

“I heard two of the males talking about it. They said no one could survive as long as they have, hunting and killing, and not turn.”

“The humans have been at war, and our people have been destroyed in the process. Even our Prince is dead. Vampires are everywhere. Everyone is killing everyone else. I do not think we have to worry about Gabriel and Lucian. If they were really vampires, we would all be dead. No one, not even Gregori, could defeat them in battle,” Julian defended. “They are so powerful, no one would be able to destroy them. They have always been loyal to the Prince. Always.”

“Our Prince is dead. They are not necessarily loyal to Mikhail as the heir.” Dimitri was obviously quoting adults.

Julian shook his head in exasperation and continued forward, this time making certain to be silent. He inched his way through the thick vegetation until the house was in sight. Far off, a wolf howled, the note high and lonely sounding. A second wolf answered, then a third, both much closer. Julian and Dimitri shape-shifted. They were not going to miss seeing the legendary figures. Lucian and Gabriel were the greatest vampire hunters in the history of their people. It was well known that no one could defeat them. The news that they had singlehandly destroyed an entire invading army during the night had preceded their arrival. No one knew their exact body count over the last few centuries, but it was extremely high.

Julian assumed the shape of a small marmot, moving in close to the house. He kept a watchful eye out for owls as he approached the front porch. He heard them then. Four voices murmuring softly from within the house. Although he was young, Julian had the incredible hearing of the Carpathian people. He used that acute hearing, determined to get every word. The four greatest Carpathians alive were in that house, and he would not miss the event. He was barely aware of Dimitri joining him.

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Categories: Christine Feehan