Dark Guardian. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 9

She sat back with a quick frown. “What does that mean? You wouldn’t dare to use that threatening voice of yours on me.”

He looked up from his task, his black gaze holding hers. “You would never know if I were, would you?” His voice was very, very soft.

Jaxon jumped to the floor, barely restraining herself from kicking him in the shins. “I’ve had enough of this. You know, it isn’t as if you’re asking me to accept some weird aunt in your family or something. You’re not exactly the everyday, average fiance. I’m not changing who I am for you. I worked my way up in the department because I’m good at what I do. I’m very good. Have a little respect.”

He stirred the soup without changing expression. “You think I have no respect for you and the things you have had to cope with in your life? You cannot possibly think that. You are angry for no reason, Jaxon. I cannot change who I am either. It is my sworn duty to care for you. It was imprinted on me before my birth. Do you think that changes because you are mortal?”

“Oh, God, the mortal thing again. At least someone actually gave birth to you. That’s a relief.” She pushed a hand through her hair. “Look at me, Lucian.”

At her command, he turned obediently. She examined his face intently, a slow sweep of his sensual features before her gaze rested thoughtfully on his black eyes. “I would know. You would never even attempt to hide such a thing from me. You’d feel guilty.”

“I would never feel guilty for forcing you to care for your health, angel. Do not make the mistake of giving me too much credit. I would feel guilty for concealing things from you, true. It is not right between lifemates. In any case, you have only to examine my mind.”

Jaxon found herself laughing at the thought. “I can barely comprehend the things you tell me. I’m certainly not going to go trotting around in a brain that’s several centuries old. That’s just asking for trouble. How is it you can sound modern—sort of—if you’re really so darned ancient?”

Lucian turned back to his soup. “It is not hard. I study and adapt quickly to new environments. It is necessary when one wishes to fit in. Sit at the table.”

She tapped her foot. “The smell is not making me sick. That’s you, isn’t it? You’re doing something so I can smell food without feeling sick.”

“Yes.” He saw no reason to deny it. “It is necessary that you eat. I do not want to make the decision to bring you over because you are unable to take sustenance. That would not be right.”

Bring you over. Jaxon found a chair and sat down in it rather abruptly. Why did that sound like something straight out of a vampire novel? She waved a hand dismayingly in the air at him. “No more of that. Don’t think it, and don’t ever say it again. I’m getting used to the ‘centuries’ thing, but the ‘bring you over’ thing is too much.”

Lucian placed a bowl of soup in front of her. His mind, connected as it was with hers, assumed the lead. He built the feeling of hunger in her. The idea that the broth smelled delicious and she wanted to eat it. He commanded her body not to reject it and reinforced the order with a “push” so there would be no mistakes. Very gently he rested a hand on her shoulder, needing the physical contact with her.

Never once had he allowed himself to express what he had felt when he realized she was leaving the house. He examined it now, there in the kitchen, turning the unfamiliar emotion over and over in his mind. Fear. He had been afraid for her. Not that Drake would find her, but of having to use her to destroy Drake. He would not want her to have to face such a thing. Fear. Fear that a vampire would discover her away from the protection he had woven for her within the grounds and the house. Fear. He had never experienced such an emotion. It had been gut-wrenching.

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Categories: Christine Feehan