Dark Guardian. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 9

He laughed and tossed her into the deep cushions of the sofa in his den, where it was warm. “I have to go out for a short time this evening. You will, of course, remain indoors and out of harm’s way.”

She looked up at him with wide-eyed innocence. “Where exactly did you think I was planning on going at this time of night? Out dancing? I can wait a few days.”

“Promise me you will try to eat something.”

“Absolutely.” She nodded solemnly. Lucian regarded her through half-closed eyes. “Why is it I am not certain I can trust you?”

“You have the longest, darkest eyelashes I’ve ever seen,” she replied, trying not to stare at his eyes. “You should be locked up. It’s not safe to have you around women.”

“I have not noticed you falling all over me, angel.”

“Thank God for that.” Jaxon snuggled deeper into the cushions and smiled up at him. “Notice I’m not even asking you where you’re going. I’m just happy to be rid of you for a while.”

“That is not nice.”

“Keep it in mind when you’re thinking about this lifemate stuff. I’m not a nice person,” she said smugly.

He laughed softly. “I do not have to reinforce my request that you remain indoors with a little help, do I?” Her dark eyes flashed fire. “You wouldn’t dare!”

“Try me.” His voice was as soft as ever. Jaxon did her best to look demure. “Do I look in any shape to go running around like an idiot? But you need a couple of bodyguards. Take the chauffeur. He looks as if he can handle himself in a crisis. Not that I have any intention of worrying about you.” His white teeth flashed at that blatant lie. “If you need me, honey, just reach for me with your mind. We can talk to each other anytime.”

She held up a hand. “Go away. It’s the only safe thing for you to do. And leave my gun while you’re at it. I don’t want to be here alone unarmed.”

“You have a complete arsenal upstairs in your bedroom. I never saw so many weapons. It made me wonder just what type of woman I was getting myself involved with. There will be no shooting me when I come home this night, no unfortunate accidents, I trust,” he teased as he put her gun on the table beside her chair. He bent to brush her temple with his warm mouth before he walked away from her, laughing softly.

Lucian made certain he had stepped out into the darkness before his tall frame shimmered into transparency, slowly dissolved into millions of tiny droplets, and streamed out into the mist rising from the ground. He moved fast, traveling at preternatural speed, moving straight toward the city.

The three men sent to murder Jaxon had all worked for the same person. Samuel T. Barnes. The man was a banker, wealthy and very social. He was seen at all the prominent parties, supported the local mayor, the congressman, and the senator. He did not appear to have any drug connections, yet he had ordered all three assassins to get rid of Jaxon. She had been far too successful in slowing the drug traffic in her city. Her team had virtually put a stranglehold on the incoming routes. She found and took away shipment after shipment.

Lucian found Barnes’s condominium in an exclusive neighborhood. The stream of mist circled the house, testing the defenses. Each window was sealed, every door bolted. Lucian returned to the front door, shimmering once more into solid flesh and blood. He stood tall and straight, a faint smile touching his mouth, although his eyes were completely expressionless. He listened for a moment, noting the position of all people in the house and what they were doing. His knock was sharp and authoritative and brought an instant response.

A young man in a suit, the poorly concealed bulge beneath his jacket indicating he was armed, opened the door. Lucian nodded politely. “I am Lucian Daratrazanoff, here to see Mr. Barnes. I do not have an appointment, but I was in the area and thought I would take a chance.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan