DEVIL’S EMBRACE by Catherine Coulter

The earl turned his dark gaze toward Jenny, and a black brow winged upward.

He offered her a negligent bow before straightening to his full height. “I have come to reclaim what is mine, Lyndhurst. You have had your time with her, and you will have no more. I suggest that you choose to divorce her.”

“I offer you no choice, my lord earl. By tomorrow afternoon, the birds will be feasting upon your black heart.”

Cassie’s mind planted itself once again in her body. She waved a warning hand toward Jenny, who looked as though she would grab Edward’s sword and run the earl through herself. “Both of you will cease this nonsense right now. For your information, my lord earl, I am not Lady Delford.”

“Damn you, Cassie, keep a still tongue in your head.”

A surprised smile lit up the earl’s dark eyes. “Still another lie, Cassandra?”

“It matters not.” Edward stepped between them. “It is a question of honor, my lord. Do you wish me to strike you, or will you, as a gentleman, accept my challenge?”

“As you wish, Lyndhurst,” the earl said.

“You will not do it, Edward,” Jenny said. Suddenly, she weaved where she stood and crumpled into a faint.

“Will you see to the lady, or shall I, Lyndhurst?”

Edward gritted his teeth at the earl’s tone, but he had no choice but to drop to his knees and gather Jenny into his arms. When he rose, he said sharply to Cassie, “You will come with me. I trust that he has given you sufficient disgust of him.”

“Oh, hush, Edward. See to Jenny. I assure you that I can find my way home without your assistance.”

Edward turned stiffly on his heel and carried Jenny past several staring soldiers into the house.

Cassie turned at the sound of the earl’s softly mocking voice. “Well, cara, it would seem that another has gained the viscount’s affections. A touching scene, and, I might add, the lady is quite beautiful. Poor Cassandra—did your lost love refuse to wed you? Has he shattered all your romantic young girl’s illusions? It would appear that I have arrived barely in time to save your shredded virtue. Tell me, cara, how has it felt to bed with a man who does not love you?”

It was unlike him to be so cruel, but there was so much truth in what he said that she could not forgive him. He had made her feel like a harlot. “You wonder, my lord, how it feels to bed with a man?” she said slowly. “Since it is my first such experience, I vow that I enjoyed it much. When I return to England, I do not despair of finding other such men to please me. They will, after all, be entirely English, and not half-breeds, bloated with masculine conceit.”

There was such blazing fury in his eyes that her body tensed. And there was something else, something that made her feel hollow with despair.

“I bid you good night, Cassandra,” he said dispassionately. “After I have satisfied Lyndhurst’s honor, I shall come to fetch you.”

“No,” she shouted at him, but he did not look back. She stared after him until he was swallowed by the darkness. Cassie sank down upon the front steps and closed her eyes against hated tears. She felt gentle fingers upon her shoulder and looked up to see Scargill kneeling beside her.

He shook his head sadly. “You wounded him deeply, madonna, and he was too angry to see through your lie.”

“He deserved it, all of it.” Her voice broke. “Oh God, Scargill, what am I to do now?”

“I do not know, madonna, would that I did.” He rose and stared down at her a moment in silence. “Now it is a matter of pride.” He pulled on the shock of red hair over his forehead and left her.

Chapter 27

Gray streaks of dawn lighted the bedchamber when Cassie heard a soft knock on the outer door. She heard Grumman’s soft voice and Edward’s subdued response. She waited only a few seconds after the door closed before she swiftly threw back the bedcovers, straightened her gown, and pulled on her cloak.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter