DEVIL’S EMBRACE by Catherine Coulter

“I cannot carry you, cara,” he whispered, his mouth so close to hers that she could feel the warmth of his breath. She thought crazily that he tasted of sweet oranges.

“I know,” she sighed softly, nuzzling her cheek against his chin.

He kissed the tip of her nose, and the base of her white throat. She parted her lips and moaned softly as he took her mouth.

“Will you make love with me, Cassandra?”

“Yes.” The ache in her body was almost painful.

There were no more words between them. He smiled when Cassie, once in their bedchamber, walked hurriedly into the dressing room to undress. He did not tease her for her show of modesty.

Once he was naked, his clothing tossed in a pile upon the floor, the earl lit a single candle and climbed into bed. He had not long to wait. Cassie walked from the dressing room clothed only in a gossamer chemise, her hair brushed loose down her back.

He smiled at her, pulled back the covers, and lightly patted the space beside him. “That is a lovely chemise, Cassandra, but I would much prefer seeing it next to my clothes—on the floor.”

She hesitated for a long moment before slipping the straps from her shoulders. She looked faintly flushed. “I really should not want—”

“Want what, my love?”

She shook her head uncertainly, slithered out of the chemise, and slipped into bed. She curled on her side, away from him.

He lay quietly, listening a moment to her breathing. “Cara, what should you not want?” He extended his arm until his hand touched her smooth flesh. He lightly stroked her spine, his fingers resting a moment at the small of her back, and splayed them outward over her hips. Slowly, under the exquisite teasing of his fingers, he felt her relax her muscles.

“I should not want you so very much,” she whispered, her voice breaking. She rolled across to him and pressed her shaking body against his side. She clasped her hands about his face and captured his mouth. He was undone at her innocent passion. He moaned into her open mouth and felt her tongue touch his.

He slipped his left arm out of the sling, grasped her hips, and lifted her on top of him. Her eyes were on his face, wide and dazed.

“Help me come into you, cara.” He lifted her slightly and felt her small hand close around him.

He groaned as he felt himself engulfed in the warmth of her body. He pulled her upright so that she straddled him and thrust deep into her.

Cassie splayed her hands on his belly, tangling her fingers in his thick black hair. She felt the surging power of him as he moved against her.

Suddenly, he groaned, deep in his throat, and his fingers dug into her sides. It was as if her own rising passion was held abruptly suspended. She felt him shudder beneath her and her eyes flew to his face. For an instant, she did not understand. She held herself stiff, uncertain, as if suddenly apart from him. His body tensed, and the hard muscles of his belly rippled under her fingers.

“Anthony,” she whispered, her voice a confused question.

His response was a jagged moan, and he suddenly exploded deep within her.

The earl slowly opened his eyes at the touch of Cassie’s hand over his chest.

“What are you doing, cara?”

Startled, she pulled back her hand. “I was but feeling your heart. The pounding is lessening.”

“I hope so, else I should be in a sorry state.” He blinked his eyes, taking in the thick golden hair that fell lazily over her shoulders, and onto her breasts. He raised his hand and stroked her. She quivered at his touch, her pupils nearly black in the soft candlelight.

“My poor love,” he said softly, and lifted her off him onto her back.

“I don’t understand,” she began.

He knew that she needed only release, and when his mouth closed over her, she gasped in delight. Just as she had listened to his moans of pleasure, he reveled in the soft, breathless cries that came from her mouth. He felt her slender body stiffen and writhe in her climax. She clutched his head between her hands, and pressed her hips convulsively against his mouth.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter