DEVIL’S EMBRACE by Catherine Coulter

Chapter 3

Eliott Brougham smiled down at the agitated Miss Petersham. “Come now, Becky, Edward Lyndhurst is one of my oldest friends and a man of honor. If Cassie wants him, I’ll not kick up a ruckus.”

“She just turned eighteen, Eliott. She’s but a girl and can’t know her own mind. Her dashing viscount comes galloping home, dripping with countless stories of his exploits, no doubt, and practically begs her to fall into his arms.”

“You’re off the mark there, Becky. If I know Cassie, it is she who very likely encouraged Edward to fall into her arms. It’s certainly not as if Edward were a stranger—after all, they’ve written to each other for the past three years.”

“They have what?” Miss Petersham drew in an appalled breath.

Eliott had the grace to look sheepish. “Now, Becky, Cassie and I decided not to tell you, for you’d have disapproved.”

“You mean that Cassie decided not to tell me and you, you wretched boy, fell in with her. You are four years her senior, and her guardian since his lordship’s death.” Miss Petersham groaned and took several perturbed steps about the room. “Promise me, Eliott, that you will not let her wed him until after her Season in London.”

Eliott shook his head. “I cannot understand why you are not content that Cass is making a love match. Lord knows that there are few enough of them nowadays. And you must admit, Becky, that she has shown nothing but indifference to all the young pups who have gathered about her like bees to a honeypot. All she would find in London, I daresay, is more of the same. I have given my approval and they want to marry in two months.”

“Two months. Oh no, surely not.”

Eliott set about soothing her. “It’s not as if you’re going to lose her to some gallant who lives God knows where. Delford Manor is but two miles away and I fancy that all of us will continue much as we always have.”

Miss Petersham drew a deep breath to calm herself. “I suppose what’s done is done. I only wish that I had known sooner.”

Eliott patted her plump shoulder, not without affection. “You know when Cass gets the bit between her teeth there’s no stopping her. I daresay with your genius for preparations, we shall be able to pull off the wedding as if we had had six months to plan it.” Eliott beamed at her, thankful that the weight of all responsibility was to be on Miss Petersham’s capable shoulders.

Miss Petersham gave him a thin smile. How many times she had thought that Eliott should have been the girl and Cassie the boy. While Cassie was strong, quick-witted, and an expert in getting what she wanted, Eliott was guileless and malleable, clay in his sister’s hands.

“Spare the rod and spoil the child,” she said obliquely. She tugged at her lacy cap and left the drawing room, her black skirts swishing with each brisk step.

Eliott drew a sigh of relief and looked up to see his sister peep her head around the door.

“Is it done? You have told her, Eliott?”

“Yes, minx, and I can tell you that she is none too happy about it.”

“I know. I heard her rustling skirts and hid myself behind the urn until she flounced upstairs.” Cassie walked to her brother and gave him a quick hug. “Thank you, my love, for bearding the lion. You do not really believe that she wanted me to marry some paunchy old German duke, do you?”

“Lord knows. Perhaps she wanted the London Season for herself.” He looked down at his shapely white hands. “Unfortunately, I let slip that you and Edward have been corresponding for the past three years.”

Cassie tugged at the long, thick curl that fell habitually over her shoulder. “Well, I shall just have to let her batter at me for a while. Then we shall send in Edward and let him charm her out of her sullens.”

“She’s convinced that Edward dazzled you with all of his military exploits.”

“I shall have to tell her that rather than dazzle me, Edward refuses to tell me much of anything about his experiences. It is too bad of him.”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter