Dragonlance Tales, Vol. 3 – Love and War

The general snapped his fingers. Ssaras scurried over to a

pile of odds and ends and picked something up. Garrick

gradually identified it as his own shield. The general took it

from the draconian and looked at it with some amusement.

“Perhaps I am overestimating the noble Knights of

Solamnia. Perhaps they are indeed skulking around in the

woods, hiding out of sight, fighting like elves or gully

dwarves – with no honor – coming from behind their

opponents.” He dropped the shield and spat on the front.

One heavy boot came down on the wet spot. With little

effort, Krynos had put a great dent in the shield.

Garrick’s growing madness threatened to burst then, but

the warmth around his chest checked it. It occurred to him

then that they had removed his armor but not his medallion.

He could see no way that they could have possibly missed it

in their search.

Ssaras looked hopefully at the general. Krynos was

calculating his possibilities.

“Get Thaygan.”

The torturer hissed. “Thaygan is a fraud. All clerics are

frauds, General.”

“Would you like to tell that to the Queen herself,

Ssaras? She might beg to differ.”

The draconian quieted immediately. Without further

ado, it scurried away to seek the cleric. Garrick muttered a

prayer to Paladine. Should Thaygan be a strong enough

cleric, the knight would have little chance of defending his

mind from the psychic onslaught. Unlike many of his

brethren, he had a strong respect for the power of clerics.

A strong, gauntleted hand pulled his head up by the

hair. Krynos moved close to him, so close that Garrick was

able to feel the other’s hot breath on his face. “Tell me what

I want to know now, and I’ll spare you the tender touch of

Thaygan. In his own way, he leaves a prisoner much worse

off than Ssaras does.”

“There is only me.”

The general’s eyes flared. “Do you swear to that?”

Garrick avoided the binding trap by repeating his

statement once more. As he hoped, his refusal to swear only

convinced Krynos even more that there were other knights

lurking around somewhere near or in the forest ahead.

The general let Garrick’s head drop. He paced the width

of the tent several times before the sudden presence of the

dark cleric brought him to a startled halt. The cleric stared

at the general and then at the prisoner, who was struggling

feebly with the bonds. Nothing of the cleric was visible save

his hands.

“You have need of my services, General Krynos?”

“Regretfully so. I need information from this man, and

you know how stubborn Knights of Solamnia can be.”

“A Solamnic Knight? Here?”

“Are your ears still stuffed with the chants and

incantations of your order? A Knight of Solamnia, found in

the woods – and where there’s one, there’s more. I want the

truth from him. Beware, though. He is not in the best of

condition. I fear my men must have mussed him up a little

bit too hard.”

The cleric drew back his hood. Garrick had the brief

notion that he was being visited by Death itself. The cleric

was emaciated beyond normal tolerances. To the prisoner, it

seemed as if Thaygan’s face should crack in pieces each

time the old man spoke.

As the cleric stepped toward the knight, Krynos

actually blanched slightly. Garrick dimly wondered what

could frighten a man of the general’s reputation. That

thought vanished with all others as the cleric reached down

and put a hand to each side of the prisoner’s head.

The knight fell down an abyss. He screamed all the way.

Somewhere, he could hear a commanding voice that

demanded things of him. The words meant nothing to him,

though, and he kept falling.

A mighty hand came from the darkness. It glowed with

a light all its own. With little effort, it caught the

plummeting Garrick and held him tight. The pressure of the

monstrous grip was not stifling; rather, it reassured the

knight. Overwhelmed by a wave of peace and love, Garrick

slid off into velvety blackness.

He awoke briefly to see two men arguing. One was

incredibly ancient and looked more like an old corpse. The

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Categories: Weis, Margaret