Dragonlance Tales, Vol. 3 – Love and War

was all it took. Riverwind knocked his adversary down, and

Hollow-sky lost his grip on his pole. Riverwind closed in to

deliver a blow that would knock the traitor senseless – or


But Riverwind’s injured knee slowed his attack, and

Hollow-sky rolled away, scrambling to his feet. He slipped

beneath Riverwind’s blocking swing and ran up the stairs

that led to the doors of the Hall of the Sleeping Spirits,

dragging his pole behind him. Riverwind pursued him, just

two steps behind. Goldmoon sprang to her feet and ran

across the grass, following the warriors up the stairs.

As she reached the top step, Lunitari, the red moon, made

its appearance above the horizon, shedding its light directly

across the great stone doors. Very slowly the massive

portals began to swing outward, showering gold sparks

down on the two men locked in their deadly struggle. The

footing on the rock platform out side the doors was slippery

with sand, and the sides adjacent to the staircase edge and

the door fell off sharply over sheer cliffs.

Goldmoon forgot her desire to gain entrance to the hall

as she watched Riverwind, by jabs and blows, push Hollow-

sky toward the cliff. Both men teetered dangerously near

the edge.

The opening doors nudged Riverwind slightly, breaking

his concentration and forcing him to struggle to keep his

balance. In that moment, Hollow-sky managed to land a

blow across the side of the shepherd’s head and face. Dazed,

Riverwind raised his staff to block the next attack, but his

reactions were slowed. Hollow-sky jabbed wickedly at the

shepherd’s already injured knee, bringing him crashing

down on both knees. Seeing Hollow-sky close in on

Riverwind, Goldmoon, consumed by fear for Riverwind’s

life, drew her crystal dagger.

She lunged forward, holding the dagger high over her

head. Hollow-sky, intent on the kill, failed to look up.

Goldmoon slammed the dagger down hard, gashing his

right arm deeply. Hollow-sky’s blood splashed over her

dagger and wrist and onto the rock platform.

Startled, Hollow-sky staggered backward – and lost his

footing on the sandy precipice. He tumbled over the edge,

and his scream echoed up the cliff face, seemingly forever .

. . until his body hit the ground below. Bathed in red

moonlight, Goldmoon stood staring over the rock’s edge,

her hair stirred by a gentle thermal rising from below.

“Goldmoon! Come away from there,” Riverwind cried,


As if in a dream, the priestess of the Que-shu turned from

the cliff face and moved to the shepherd’s side, helping him

to his feet. Hollow-sky’s scream echoing through her head,

she sheathed her dagger without cleaning it.

“I had no choice. He was going to kill you!” she said

and suddenly burst into shuddering sobs.

“I know,” he answered. “I wanted to protect you this

morning, but felt helpless while he held the dagger to your

throat. Then the charm . . .” His voice trailed off as

Goldmoon softly answered, “Yes, it protected me.” Pulling

her close to his chest, he stroked her hair in a gentle,

calming motion.

Suddenly Goldmoon was very much aware of the man’s

arms around her. Then, remembering why she was here and

how urgent it was that she convince Riverwind of the reality

of her gods, she sprang away from him.

“The hall!” she cried. “We must get inside and hold the

ceremony quickly before the doors close!”

As though mocking her attempts, the first ray of

sunlight shot over the horizon, striking the doorway. The

huge stone doors began closing on their own, scraping and

rumbling against the stone platform beneath them.

“Hurry!” Goldmoon insisted, tugging Riverwind. With

his injured knee, Riverwind had to lean on her to make it

through the rapidly narrowing portal.

As they slipped through the opening, it closed with a

thunderclap. Beneath the deafening echo, Goldmoon heard

Riverwind gasp in pain. “Are you all right?” she asked.

“My injuries are minor,” he answered curtly. “How do

we open the doors again?”

Goldmoon hesitated. “I’m not sure we can. The

ceremony is supposed to be held quickly between the red

moon rising and the sunrise, while the doors stand open.”

“You mean you risked being trapped in here?” Riverwind

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Categories: Weis, Margaret