Dragonlance Tales, Vol. 3 – Love and War

The high staccato notes of the flutes pierced the air as

Goldmoon took her place a few paces behind Riverwind.

Riverwind stamped his foot and tossed one end of the sash

behind him. Goldmoon echoed the stamp with a lighter

patting of her foot, just short of the sash’s end. Riverwind

walked a few steps forward, pulling the sash in a teasing

manner, a hunter baiting a tigress.

Goldmoon pounced forward and scooped up the end of

the sash in one graceful motion. She gave it a tug and

Riverwind spun on his heel to face her. The hunter’s look

was in his eyes again, and the torchlight glittering in his

blue irises made them appear red. Holding the sash between

them, the shepherd and the princess circled one another,

Goldmoon entranced by those eyes.

She had always found this dance a little silly, and never

understood its popularity. It seemed better suited to

children’s play. Yet, as Riverwind fell to one knee and she

spun about him at the end of the sash, she suddenly

understood the dance’s true meaning.

Riverwind gave a tug, and Goldmoon began spinning

toward him, winding herself into the sash. As soon as she

was within his reach, Riverwind caught hold of her and

pulled her self-tied form down to his knee. With his arm

wrapped about her, it seemed to Goldmoon that Riverwind

was not as large as her father, but there was no doubt he

was powerful, at the height of his manhood.

There was a pause in the music, and Goldmoon became

aware that all about them young men were taking the

opportunity to snatch kisses from their “helpless” partners.

Her heart beat with anticipation. With a flick of her tongue,

Goldmoon moistened her lips, but Riverwind held her

stiffly, his eyes averted from her face, staring out into the

starlit night.

Though his face was stem, Goldmoon could tell that he

was breathing more heavily than the dancing’s pace

warranted, and with her arm pressed against his naked

chest, she could feel his heart pounding.

Goldmoon leaned closer. Riverwind’s breathing

quickened. He started to turn his face directly to hers when

the flute trilled without warning and the dance resumed.

Riverwind and all the other “hunters” gave a tug on

their sashes, sending the “tigresses” spinning outward like

tops. In a flurry of laughter and bright-colored clothes, each

woman shifted around the next man.

“I’ll have that flute player flogged!” Goldmoon

muttered to herself as she smiled politely at her new partner,

Hartbow, Watcher’s son. They repeated the same silly

pantomime with his blue sash. Hartbow’s eyes were blue,

too, but the light did not catch them the way it had

Riverwind’s, and Hartbow’s look was not very predatory.

He, too, took no liberty with her as she sat, bound up, on his

knee, but smiled shyly at her.

It was the same with all the rest of her partners. Some,

she sensed, would have kissed her if they’d had more nerve.

Hollow-sky would certainly not have hesitated, but he had

not stayed for the dance. Still, she found herself irritated

that no other Que-shu warrior had the courage to touch his

lips to her own. No one had even held her as closely as

Riverwind had.

“Is Riverwind kissing his other partners?” she wondered

curiously. “Does he watch them with the same hunter’s

look?” It was impossible to sneak a peek at him, though,

and still pay attention to what she was doing. The pauses in

the music and the uneasiness of her partners became more

unbearable. Embarrassed and frustrated, she vowed silently

not to wait until her wedding night for a kiss. . . .

Then Goldmoon was once again only one partner away

from Riverwind. He danced with Ravenhair. They held each

other as aloofly as possible. Goldmoon understood that

Ravenhair resented Riverwind’s defeat of her brother,

Hawker. But whether her escort had been so distant with all

his other partners, the princess could not know.

The last repeat to the dance came with all the original

couples together. Goldmoon studied the lines of

Riverwind’s back and legs, not truly paying much attention

to the sash he snaked in front of her, so she was a little late

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Categories: Weis, Margaret