Executive Orders by Tom Clancy


pecially subs, but we keep them out of sight. CinCPAC seems to have a handle on it. We let him run it for the time being?”

Ryan nodded. “Through SecDef, yes. Europe?”

“Nice and quiet, ditto our hemisphere, ditto Africa. You know, if the Chinese are just being their usual obnoxious selves, then the only real problem is the Persian Gulf–and the truth of the matter is that we’ve been there and done that, sir. We’ve told the Saudis that we’re not going to back off of them. That word will get to the other side in due course, and it ought to make the other side stop and think before making any plans to go farther. I don’t like the UIR thing, but I think we can deal with it. Iran is fundamentally unstable; the people in that country want more freedom, and when they get a taste, that country will change. We can ride it out.”

Ryan smiled and poured himself a cup of decaf. “You’re getting very confident, Dr. Goodley.”

“You pay me to think. I might as well tell you what’s moving around between the ears, boss.”

“Okay, get on with your work and keep me posted. I have to figure a way to reconstitute the Supreme Court today.” Ryan sipped his coffee and waited for Arnie to come in. This job wasn’t all that tough, was it? Not when you had a good team working for you.

“IT’S ABOUT SEDUCTION,” Clark said to the shiny new faces in the auditorium, catching Ding’s grin in the back of the room and cringing. The training film they’d just watched had gone over the history of six important cases. There were only five prints of the film, and this one was already being rewound for the walk back to the vault. Two of the cases he’d worked himself. One of the agents had been executed in the basement of 2 Dzerzhinskiy Square after being burned by a KGB mole inside Lang-ley. The other had a small farm in the birch country of northern New Hampshire, probably still wishing that he could go home- but Russia was still Russia, and the narrow view their culture took of high treason wasn’t an invention of the previous regime. Such people were forever


orphans… Clark turned the page and continued from his notes.

“You will seek out people with problems. You will sympathize with those problems. The people with whom you will work are not perfect. They will all have beefs. Some of them will come to you. You don’t have to love them, but you do have to be loyal to them.

“What do I mean by seduction? Everyone in this room has done it once or twice, right? You listen more than you talk. You nod. You agree. Sure, you’re smarter than your boss–I know about him, we have the same sort of jerk in our government. I had a boss like that once myself. It’s hard to be an honest man in that kind of government, isn’t it? You bet, honor really is important.

“When they say that, you know they want money. That’s fine,” Clark told them. “They never expect as much as they ask for. We have the budget to pay anything they want–but the important thing is getting them on the hook. Once they lose their virginity, people, they can’t get it back.

“Your agents, the people you recruit, will get addicted to what they do. It’s/ww to be a spy. Even the most ideologically pure people you recruit will giggle from time to time because they know something nobody else knows.

“They will all have something wrong with them. The most idealistic ones are often the worst. They experience guilt. They drink. Some might go to their priest, even– I’ve had that happen to me. Some break the rules for the first time and figure no rules matter anymore. Those kind will start boffing every girl that crosses their path and taking all sorts of chances.

“Handling agents is an art. You are mother, father, priest, and teacher to them. You have to settle them down. You have to tell them to look after their families, and look after their own ass, especially the ‘good’ ideological recruits. They’re dependable for a lot of things, but one of them is to get too much into it. A lot of these agents self-destruct. They can turn into crusaders. Few of the crusaders,” Clark went on, “died of old age.

“The agent who wants money is often the most reliable. They don’t take too many chances. They want out even-


tually, so they can live the good life in Hollywood and get laid by a starlet or something. Nice thing about agents who work for money–they want to live to spend it. On the other hand, when you need something done in a hurry, when you need somebody to take a risk, you can use a money guy–just be ready to evac him the next day. Sooner or later he’ll figure that he’s done enough, and demand to be got out.

“What am I telling you? There are no hard and fast rules in this business. You have to use your heads. You have to know about people, how they are, how they act, how they think. You must have genuine empathy with your agents, whether you like them or not. Most you will not like,” he promised them. “You saw the film. Every word was real. Three of those cases ended with a dead agent. One ended with a dead officer. Remember that.

“Okay, you now have a break. Mr. Revell will have you in the next class.” Clark assembled his notes and walked to the back of the room while the trainees absorbed the lessons in silence.

“Gee, Mr. C., does that mean seduction is okay?” Ding asked.

“Only when you get paid for it, Domingo.”

ALL OF GROUP Two was sick now. It was as though they’d all punched in on some sort of time clock. Within ten hours, they’d all complained of fever and aches–flu symptoms. Some knew, Moudi saw, or certainly suspected what had happened to them. Some of them continued to help the sicker subjects to whom they were assigned. Others called for the army medics to complain, or just sat on the floor in the treatment room and did nothing but savor their own illness in fear that they would become what they saw. Again the conditions of their prior imprisonment and diet worked against them. The hungry and debilitated are more easily controlled than the healthy and well fed. The original group was deteriorating at the expected rate. Their pain grew worse, to the point that their slow writhing lessened because it hurt more to move than to re-


main still. One seemed very close to death, and Moudi wondered if, as with Benedict Mkusa, this victim’s heart was unusually vulnerable to the Ebola Mayinga strain– perhaps this sub-type of the disease had a previously unsuspected affinity for heart tissue? That would have been interesting to learn in the abstract, but he’d gone well beyond the abstract study of the disease.

“We gain nothing by continuing this phase, Moudi,” the director observed, standing beside the younger man and watching the TV monitors. “Next step.”

“As you wish.” Dr. Moudi lifted the phone and spoke for a minute or so.

It took fifteen minutes to get things moving, and then the medical orderlies entered the picture, taking all of the nine members of the second group out of that room, then across the corridor to a second large treatment room, where, on a different set of monitors, the physicians saw that each was assigned a bed and given a medication which, in but a few minutes, had them all asleep. The medics then returned to the original group. Half of them were asleep anyway, and all the others stuporous, unable to resist. The wakeful ones were killed first, with injections of Dilaudid, a powerful synthetic narcotic into whatever vein was the most convenient. The executions took but a few minutes and were, in the end, merciful. The bodies were loaded one by one onto gurneys for transport to the incinerator. Next the mattresses and bedclothes were bundled for burning, leaving only the metal frames of the beds. These, along with the rest of the room, were sprayed with caustic chemicals. The room would be sealed for several days, then sprayed again, and the collective attention of the facility’s staff would transfer to Group Two, nine condemned criminals who had proven, or so it would seem, that Ebola Zaire Mayinga could be transmitted through the air.

THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT official took a whole day to arrive, doubtless delayed, Dr. MacGregor suspected, by a pile of paperwork on his desk, a fine dinner, and a night


with whatever woman spiced up his daily life. And probably the paperwork was still there on his desk, the Scot told himself.

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Categories: Clancy, Tom