Executive Orders by Tom Clancy

“That concludes my opening statement.” Jack pointed. “Yes, Helen?”

“Mr. President, your opening remarks on China–”

“I thought I made that clear. We have had private discussions with the Republic of China and concluded that the restoration of full diplomatic relations is in the best interests of both our countries. It is not the policy of the United States to discourage countries with freely elected governments. The Republic of China is such a country, and merits our full respect and recognition.”

“But what will mainland China think of this?”

“What they think is their affair. We are both sovereign nations. So is Taiwan, and it’s time we stopped pretending otherwise.”

“Does this have anything to do with the shoot-down of the airliner?”

“That matter is still under investigation. Next?” Ryan pointed.

“Mr. President, the new Iranian provisional govern-


ment is reportedly seeking to establish full diplomatic relations with our country. Will we entertain that request?”

“Yes, we certainly will,” Jack replied. “If there’s a better way to turn an enemy into a friend than by open discussion and trade, I don’t know what it is. They have been very cooperative, and we still have an embassy building there, but I suppose we’ll have to change the lock on the front door.” There was general laughter. “Yes, Tom. Nice tan, by the way. Welcome home.”

“Mr. President, thank you. Regarding the destruction of the germ-warfare lab outside Tehran, the only journalists who ever got in there were those two Russians that their embassy drafted for the purpose. How can we be sure–”

“Tom, the Russian experts who supervised the neutralization of the facility were indeed experts. We have video of their procedures from the reporters, and both I and my consultants on this matter are fully satisfied. Ed?”

“Mr. President, the prisoner exchange is now concluded. How will we respond to Iranian and Iraqi requests for credit?”

“Secretaries Adler and Winston will be flying to London next week to discuss this with representatives of both governments.”

“Sir, a follow-up, will this mean preferential prices for imported oil, and if so, for how long?”

“Ed, those are subjects for negotiation, but I suppose they will offer us something in return for the credit approval they desire. The exact details will have to be worked out, and we have two very good men to handle that for us.”

“What about good women?” a female reporter asked.

“We have a lot of those around, Denise, including yourself. In case you haven’t heard, Special Agent Andrea Price”–POTUS gestured toward the door at his right– “has accepted a proposal of marriage. It will be a mixed marriage, however, as her fiance, Inspector Patrick O’Day, is a special agent in the FBI. I wish them the very best, even if it means I may need a new bodyguard. Yes, Barry,” he said, pointing to the senior CNN reporter.


“So the big question that nobody has asked yet today, Mr. President–”

Ryan held up his hand. “There is so much–so many things yet to be done just to get the government fully functional again after all we’ve been through–”

“Sir, we’re not going to let you off the hook.”

A smile. A sigh. A nod. A surrender. “The answer to your question, Barry, is, yes, I will.”

“Thank you, Mr. President.”

It is now the moment when by common consent we pause h

become conscious of our national life and to rejoice in it, to

recall what our country has done for each of us, and to ask

ourselves what we can do for our country in return.


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Categories: Clancy, Tom