Executive Orders by Tom Clancy

“Second, the cockpit tapes from the aircraft’s flight recorder give us an exact time for the first murder. We even have the voice of Captain Sato on the tape, apologizing to the man as he killed him. After that time, the only voice on the tapes is that of the pilot. The cockpit tapes have


been checked against other recordings of Captain Sato’s voice, and also have positively established his identity.

“Third, forensic tests have proven that the co-pilot was dead at least four hours before the crash. This unfortunate man was killed with a knife in the heart. There is no reason to believe that he had anything at all to do with what came later. He was merely the first innocent victim in a monstrous act. He left behind a pregnant wife, and I would ask all of you to think about her loss and remember her and her children in your prayers.

“The Japanese police have cooperated fully with the FBI, even allowing us full access to their investigation and to conduct our own interviews of witnesses and others. We now have a full record of everything Captain Sato did during the last two weeks of his life, where he ate, when he slept, with whom he talked. We have found no evidence to suggest even the possibility of a criminal conspiracy, or that what this demented man did was part of some larger plan on the part of his government or anyone else. Those investigations will continue until every leaf and stone has been turned, until every possibility, however remote, has been fully checked, but the information we have now would be more than sufficient to convince a jury, and that is why I can give it to you now.” Jack paused, allowing himself to lean forward a few inches.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the conflict between our country and Japan is over. Those who caused it will face justice. Prime Minister Koga has personally assured me of that.

“Mr. Koga is a man of honor and courage. I can tell you now for the first time that he was himself kidnapped and nearly murdered by the same criminals who started the conflict between his country and ours. He was rescued from his kidnappers by Americans, assisted by Japanese officials, in a special operation right in downtown Tokyo, and after his rescue he worked at great personal risk to bring an early end to the conflict, and so save his country and ours from further damage. Without his work, many more lives might have been lost, on both sides. I am proud to call Minoru Koga my friend.


“Just a few days ago, minutes after he arrived in our country, the Prime Minister and I met privately, right here in the Oval Office. From here we drove to the Capitol building, and together we prayed there. That’s a moment I will never forget.

“I was there, too, when the aircraft struck. I was in the tunnel between the House Office Building and the Capitol, with my wife and children. I saw a wall of flame race toward us, and stop, and pull back. I’ll probably never forget that. I wish I could. But I have put those memories aside as best I can.

“Peace between America and Japan is now fully restored. We do not now have, nor did we ever have a dispute with the citizens of that country. I call on all of you to set aside whatever ill feelings you might have toward the Japanese now and for all time to come.”

He paused again and watched as the text stopped scrolling. He turned the page on his printed text again.

“Next, we all have a major task before us.

“Ladies and gentlemen, one man, one disturbed and demented individual, thought that he could do fatal damage to our country. He was wrong. We have buried our dead. We will mourn their loss for a long time to come. But our country lives, and the friends we lost on that horrible night would have it no other way.

“Thomas Jefferson said that the Tree of Liberty often requires blood to grow. Well, the blood has been shed, and now it’s time for the tree to grow again. America is a country that looks forward, not backward. None of us can change history. But we can learn from it, building on our past successes, and correcting our mistakes.

“For the moment, I can tell you that our country is safe and secure. Our military is on duty around the world, and our potential enemies know that. Our economy has taken a nasty shock, but survived, and is still the strongest in the world. This is still America. We are still Americans, and our future starts with every new day.

“I have today selected George Winston to be acting Secretary of the Treasury. George heads up a large New York mutual-fund company which he founded. He was in-


strumental in repairing the damage done to our financial markets. He’s a self-made man–as America is a self-made country. I will soon be making other Cabinet appointments, and I will report each of those to you as they are made.

“George cannot become a full Cabinet secretary, however, until we restore the United States Senate, whose members are charged by the Constitution to advise and consent to such appointments. Selecting new senators is the job of the governors of the several states. Starting next week, the governors will pick individuals to fill the posts left vacant.” Next came the tricky part. He leaned forward again.

“My fellow Americans–wait, that’s a phrase I don’t like very much. I never have.” Jack shook his head slightly, hoping that it didn’t look overly theatrical.

“My name is Jack Ryan. My dad was a cop. I started in government service as a Marine, right after I graduated from Boston College. That didn’t last very long. I got hurt in a helicopter crash, and my back didn’t get better for years. When I was thirty-one, I got in the way of some terrorists. You’ve all heard the story, and how it ended, but what you don’t know is, that incident is why I reentered government service. I enjoyed my life until that point. I’d made a little money as a stock trader, and then left that business to go back to history, my first love. I taught history– I loved teaching–at the Naval Academy, and I think I would have been content to stay there forever, just as my wife, Cathy, likes nothing more than to practice medicine and look after me and our kids. We would have been perfectly content to live in our house and do our jobs and raise our children. I know I would have.

“But I couldn’t do that. When those terrorists attacked my family, I decided that I had to do something to protect my wife and children. I soon learned that it wasn’t just us who needed protecting, and that I had a talent for some things, and so I joined the government and left behind my love for teaching.

“I’ve served my country–you–for quite a few years now, but I’ve never been a politician, and as I told George


Winston today in this office, I do not have time to learn how to become one. But I have been inside the government for most of my working life, and I have learned a few things about how government is supposed to work.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a time for us to do the usual things in the usual way. We need to do better. We can do better.

“John Kennedy once told us, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.’ Those are good words, but we’ve forgotten them. We need to bring them back. Our country needs all of us.

“I need your help to do my job. If you think I can do it alone, you’re wrong. If you think the government can fix itself by itself, you’re wrong. If you think the government, fixed or not, can take care of you in every way, you’re wrong. It’s not supposed to be like that. You men and women out there, you are the United States of America. I work for you. My job is to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and I will do that to the best of my ability, but each one of you is on the team as well.

“We need our government to do for us the things we cannot do for ourselves, like providing for the common defense, enforcing the law, responding to disaster. That’s what the Constitution says. That document, the one I swore to protect and defend, is a set of rules written by a small group of fairly ordinary men. They weren’t even all lawyers, and yet they wrote the most important political document in human history. I want you to think about that. They were fairly ordinary people who did something extraordinary. There’s no magic to being m government.

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Categories: Clancy, Tom