Fear Nothing By Dean R. Koontz

I shifted slightly in my seat, the first of several small moves that

shouldn’t make him suspicious but would put me in a position to shoot

him through my jacket, without having to draw the pistol from the


“Last week,” the chief whispered, “Kyra and Brandy came over for dinner

with us, and I had trouble taking my eyes off the girl.

When I looked at her, in my mind’s eye she was naked, as she is in used

by the dreams. So slim. So fragile. Vulnerable. I became aro her

vulnerability, by her tenderness, her weakness, and had to hide my

condition from Kyra and Brandy. From Louisa. I wanted . . .

wanted to . . . needed to His sudden sobbing startled me: Waves of

grief and despair swept through him once more, as they had washed

through him when first he had begun to speak. His eerie needfulness,

his obscene hunger, was drowned in this tide of misery and


“A part of me wants to kill myself,” Stevenson said, “but only the

smaller part, the smaller and weaker part, the fragment that’s left of

the man I used to be. This predator I’ve become will never kill

himself. Never. He’s too alive.”

His left hand, clutched into a fist, rose to his open mouth, and he

crammed it between his teeth, biting so fiercely on his clenched

fingers that I wouldn’t have been surprised if he had drawn his own

blood; he was biting and choking back the most wretched sobs that I’d

ever heard.

In this new person that Lewis Stevenson seemed to have become, there

was none of the calm and steady bearing that had always made him such a

credible figure of authority and justice. At least not tonight, not in

this bleak mood that plagued him. Raw emotion appeared always to be

flowing through him, one current or another, without any intervals of

tranquil water, the tide always running, battering.

My fear of him subsided to make room for pity. I almost reached out to

put a comforting hand on his shoulder, but I restrained myself because

I sensed that the monster I’d been listening to a moment ago had not

been vanquished or even chained.

Lowering his fist from his mouth, turning his head toward me, Stevenson

revealed a face wrenched by such abysmal torment, by such agony of the

heart and mind, that I had to look away.

He looked away, too, facing the windshield again, and as the laurel

shed the scattershot distillate of fog, his sobs faded until he could


“Since last week, I’ve been making excuses to visit Kyra, to be around

Brandy.” A tremor distorted his words at first, but it quickly faded,

replaced by the hungry voice of the soulless troll. “And sometimes,

late at night, when this damn mood hits me, when I get to feeling so

cold and hollow inside that I want to scream and never stop screaming,

I think the way to fill the emptiness, the only way to stop this awful

gnawing in my gut . . . is to do what makes me happy in the dreams.

And I’m going to do it, too. Sooner or later, I’m going to do it.

Sooner than later.” The tide of emotion had now turned entirely from

guilt and anguish to a quiet but demonic glee. “I’m going to do it and

do it. I’ve been looking for girls Brandy’s age, just nine or ten

years old, as slim as she is, as pretty as she is. It’ll be safer to

start with someone who has no connection to me. Safer but no less


It’s going to feel good. It’s going to feel so good, the power, the

destruction, throwing off all the shackles they make You live with,

tearing down the walls, being totally free, totally free at last. I’m

going to bite her, this girl, when I get her alone, I’m going to bite

her and bite her. In the dreams I lick their skin, and it’s got a

salty taste, and then I bite them, and I can feel their screams

vibrating in my teeth.”

Even in the dim light, I could see the manic pulse throbbing in his

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Categories: Koontz, Dean