Fear Nothing By Dean R. Koontz

his lips, he hammered his fists into the priest’s midsection, two hard


Quickly stepping out from behind the lute-playing angel, I tried to

draw the Glock, but it caught on the lining of my jacket pocket.

As Father Tom doubled over from the two blows, Pinn locked his hands

and clubbed them against the back of the priest’s neck.

Father Tom dropped to the floor, and I finally ripped the pistol out of

my pocket.

Pinn kicked the priest in the ribs.

I raised the Glock, aimed at Pinn’s back, and engaged the laser

sighting. As the mortal red dot appeared between his shoulder blades,

I was about to say enough, but the mortician relented and stepped away

from the priest.

I kept my silence, but to Father Tom, Pinn said, “If You’re not part of

the solution, You’re part of the problem. If You can’t be part of the

future, then get the hell out of the way.”

That sounded like a parting line. I switched off the laser sighting

and retreated behind the angel ‘just as the undertaker turned away from

Father Tom. He didn’t see me.

To the singing of the chains, Jesse Pinn walked back the way he had

come, and the jittery sound seemed to issue not from overhead but from

within him, as though locusts were swarming in his blood.

His shadow repeatedly darted ahead of him and then leaped behind until

he passed beyond the arcing sword of light from the swinging fixture,

became one with the darkness, and rounded the corner into the other arm

of the L-shaped room.

I returned the Glock to my jacket pocket.

From the cover of the dysfunctional creche, I watched Father Tom


He was lying at the foot of the stairs, in the fetal position, curled

around his pain.

I considered going to him to determine if he was seriously hurt, and to

learn what I could about the circumstances that lay behind the

confrontation I had just witnessed, but I was reluctant to reveal

myself. I stayed where I was.

Any enemy of Jesse Pinn’s should be an ally of mine-but I could not be

certain of Father Tom’s goodwill. Although adversaries, the priest and

the mortician were players in some mysterious underworld of which I had

been utterly unaware until this very night, so each of them had more in

common with the other than with me. I could easily imagine that, at

the sight of me, Father Tom would scream for Jesse Pinn, and that the

undertaker would fly back, black suit flapping, with the inhuman

caterwaul vibrating between his thin lips.

Besides, Pinn and his crew evidently were holding the priest’s sister

somewhere. Possession of her gave them a lever and fulcrum with which

to move Father Tom, while I had no leverage whatsoever.

The chilling music of the torquing chains gradually faded, and the

sword of light described a steadily diminishing arc.

Without a protest, without even an involuntary groan, the priest drew

himself to his knees, gathered himself to his feet. He was not able to

stand fully erect. Hunched like an ape and no longer comic in any

aspect of face or body, with one hand on the railing, he began to pull

himself laboriously up the steep, creaking steps toward the church


When at last he reached the top, he would switch off the lights, and I

would be left here below in a darkness that even St. Bernadette

herself, miracle worker of Lourdes, would find daunting.

Time to go.

Before retracing my path through the life-size figures of the creche, I

raised my eyes for the first time to the painted eyes of the

lute-playing angel in front of me-and thought I saw a blue to match my

own. I studied the rest of the lacquered-plaster features and,

although the light was weak, I was sure that this angel and I shared a


This resemblance paralyzed me with confusion, and I struggled to

understand how this Christopher Snow angel could have been here waiting

for me. I have rarely seen my own face in brightness, but I know its

reflection from the mirrors of my dimly lit rooms, and this was a

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Categories: Koontz, Dean