Fear Nothing By Dean R. Koontz

an auger through the fog, leaving a temporary tunnel in the churning

mist behind me.

Orson had no interest in the spoor of squirrels. He was as eager as I

was to put distance between us and St. Bernadette’s.

We had gone several blocks before I began to realize that escape wasn’t

possible. The inevitable dawn restricted me to the boundaries of

Moonlight Bay, and the madness in St. Bernadette’s rectory was to be

found in every corner of the town.

More to the point, I was trying to run away from a threat that could

never be escaped even if I could fly to the most remote island or

mountaintop in the world. Wherever I went, I would carry with me the

thing that I feared: the need to know. I wasn’t frightened merely of

the answers that I might receive when I asked questions about my


More fundamentally I was afraid of the questions themselves, because

the very nature of them, whether they were eventually answered or not,

would change my life forever.

From a bench in the park at the corner of Palm Street and Grace Drive,

Orson and I studied a sculpture of a steel scimitar balanced on a pair

of tumbling dice carved from white marble, which were in turn balanced

on a highly polished representation of Earth hewn from blue marble,

which itself was perched upon a large mound of bronze cast to resemble

a pile of dog poop.

This work of art has stood at the center of the park, surrounded by a

gently bubbling fountain, for about three years.

We’ve sat here many nights, pondering the meaning of this creation,

intrigued and edified and challenged-but not particularly

enlightened-by it.

Initially we believed that the meaning was clear. The scimitar

represents war or death. The tumbling dice represent fate. The blue

marble sphere, which is Earth, is a symbol of our lives. Put it all

together, and You have a statement about the human condition: We live

or die according to the whims of fate, our lives on this world ruled by

cold chance. The bronze dog poop at the bottom is a minimalist

repetition of the same theme: Life is shit.

Many learned analyses have followed the first. The scimitar, for

example, might not be a scimitar at all; it might be a crescent moon.

The dice-like forms might be sugar cubes. The blue sphere might not be

our nurturing planet-merely a bowling ball. What the various forms

symbolize can be interpreted in a virtually infinite number of ways,

although it is impossible to conceive of the bronze casting as anything

but dog poop.

Seen as a moon, sugar cubes, and a bowling ball, this masterwork may be

warning that our highest aspirations (reaching for the moon) cannot be

achieved if we punish our bodies and agitate our minds by eating too

many sweets or if we sustain lower-back injury by trying too hard to

torque the ball when we’re desperate to pick up a seven-ten split. The

bronze dog poop, therefore, reveals to us the ultimate consequences of

a bad diet combined with obsessive bowling: Life is shit.

Four benches are placed around the broad walkway that encircles the

fountain in which the sculpture stands. We have viewed the piece from

every perspective.

The park lamps are on a timer, and they are all extinguished at

midnight to conserve city funds. The fountain stops bubbling as


The gently splashing water is conducive to meditation, and we wish that

it spritzed all night; although even if I were not an XPer, we would

prefer no lamplight. Ambient light is not only sufficient but ideal

for the study of this sculpture, and a good thick fog can add

immeasurably to your appreciation of the artist’s vision.

Prior to the erection of this monument, a simple bronze statue of

Junipero Serra stood on the plinth at the center of the fountain for

over a hundred years. He was a Spanish missionary to the Indians of

California, two and a half centuries ago: the man who established the

network of missions that are now landmark buildings, public treasures,

and magnets for history-minded tourists.

Bobby’s parents and a group of like-minded citizens had formed a

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Categories: Koontz, Dean