Grantville Gazette-Volume 1. Eric Flint

Breeds change more than their names. They change in size, type, natural gaits, and usage, also. Present day examples of any horse breed may have little resemblance to their ancestors. Horses have been molded to fit the requirements and fashions of every age. Few pictures exist that identify breeds so we cannot say with any certainty what most breeds looked like in the 17th century.

Many European breeds saw the introduction of Arabian, Turkish, and Barb blood when the Crusaders returned with their equine prizes. Poland became a major breeding area of Arabians but the fashion for mixing Oriental horses with native stock began as early as the 1300s and continues through today.

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A note on terminology:

Where possible, the century of development is given; otherwise the terms Modern, Ancient, and Old are used to indicate the relative development period. Some breeds have gone through various periods of development.

“Modern” indicates the breed was developed in the 18th, 19th, or 20th century.

“Ancient” is used for breeds whose development can be traced to before the Middle Ages (12th century or earlier).

“Old” is used for breeds that can be shown to have existed prior to the 17th century, but not as far back as “Ancient.”

“Draft” indicates use for pulling wagons, carriages, plows, canal barges, etc.

“Saddle” indicates use for riding.

“Warhorse” indicates a horse used for war. This might be an armsman’s horse or a destrier (knight’s horse).

“Pack” indicates use as a pack animal, which was quite common in areas with bad roads.

t breed, much altered in the early 19th century and again in the early to mid 20th century. It is rare today.

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Categories: Eric, Flint