Grantville Gazette-Volume 1. Eric Flint

David almost popped out with: “Sure, you both work for us.” But he didn’t, because it wouldn’t help. Instead he asked: “How should we act? If you were hired by a lord or a merchant, how would they act?”

David listened as Johan talked about how the nobility, and nobility wannabes, acted toward servants and hired hands in general. There were a lot of things, and when you put them all together they amounted to the most calculated, demeaning, rudeness David had ever heard of in his life. He knew damn well he could never act that way, nor could anyone in Grantville. Well almost no one.

All of which left David in a real quandary, because he had picked up something else in that lecture on proper behavior for the upper classes. Johan didn’t just expect him to act that way. Johan wanted him to act that way. Any other behavior on his part felt like a trap. David wondered why anyone would treat someone else that way. And when the answer came to him it was such a surprise that it popped right out of his mouth. “God. They must be terrified of you.”

Johan looked at him like he was a dangerous lunatic. Like he might pull a shotgun out of his pants pocket and start shooting. David cracked up. He laughed till he had tears running down his face. Then he laughed some more. All the while Johan was looking more and more upset. Finally David got himself more or less under control. And he apologized. “I’m sorry, Johan, but your face. Looking at me like I was crazy.”

David was laughing because, for the first time since he had met Johan he was not afraid of him. He had the key, the approach that would let Johan live among them, and not be a bomb waiting to go off. He didn’t know why, but he was sure. Six words spoken clearly and honestly. “I am not afraid of you.” David said it clearly, honestly and without the least trace of fear. “I don’t have to trap you into doing something that would be an excuse to punish you. I don’t need to make you weak, to feel strong, or safe. That’s why we act the way we do, Johan! The way that seems so wrong to you. Because we are not afraid. Not the way these German lords are, and because we are not afraid of you, you don’t have to be afraid of us.

“Here is how you should act around us. Do your job as well as you can. State your views freely. If you think I am doing something wrong, say so. I may, or may not, follow your advice, but I won’t punish you for giving it. I promise you that. Can you do that, Johan? If you can, you will have a place here. For as long as we can make one for you.”

David Bartley bought himself a man with those words. An old dog that wanted to learn a new trick. Or if he couldn’t learn it, at least to be around it. He wanted to be unafraid like Master David; so very unafraid that he could be kind.

* * *

After Master David left Johan thought about the afternoon. Of course had known he was being watched from the beginning, he had approved of the fact. At least they weren’t stupid. After a while the young master had seemed to calm a bit. Johan wasn’t sure why. They talked for a while and Johan actually started to like the boy. That was when he’d put his foot in it. You don’t tell a lord that he’s not acting right. Not if you don’t want to lose you place. The lad had not been offended, though, just curious, and he had acted the proper young lord. Insisting that Johan tell it all. His blue eyes firm yet kind.

“I am not afraid of you,” the young master had said, and Johan had had to believe. And the lords are. As he thought about it, Johan believed that too.

July 10, 1631: Storage Lot

Business was picking up at the storage lot since the Battle of the Crapper. Perhaps the hiring of Johan had been lucky.

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Categories: Eric, Flint