Grantville Gazette-Volume 1. Eric Flint

Elizabeth reached over and touched his hand. “He may not be able to, George. The doctors aren’t sure that he’ll make it. That leaves you so long as she’s living under your roof.”

George looked startled for a moment, then shrugged. “We’ll deal with that when the time comes. I’m hoping to get her mother home with us soon. Ken Hobbs said that their farm is still standing, but it’s damaged pretty badly. It’ll take a lot of work to get it livable again. Besides, I really don’t think that she should be on her own for a while. I can take care of all of us with Dave’s stash.”

Elizabeth nodded. “We talked about that last night. Dave’s guns and stuff may be needed. We may have to defend ourselves against one of the largest armies in history.”

George closed his eyes for a moment. “There’s more than guns up there, Beth. Lots more.”

“Keep it there for now, George. That stash may be your salvation.”

George chuckled and shook his head. “If Dave was here he’d probably be crowing like a spring rooster about being right.”

Anna reappeared in a different dress and a smile a mile wide. Melody and Lizzy were grinning just as hard, and occasionally giggling. Melody finally had to say it. “Anna thinks Jim is cute.”

George immediately put his head in his hand and just said, “Oh, lord.”

Marge laughed and shook her head. “Are you ready to negotiate a dowry, George?”

George gaped at her while the rest of the women laughed, including Anna. Then Elizabeth and Marge gathered all of the girls and went toward the back of the house.

George walked outside and watched the boys as they did their chores around the farm. They had apparently been allowed to skip school. That made sense to George. Not much point in going to school when there weren’t going to be any classes.

It was more than an hour later when the women reappeared, and Anna walked over to George’s side with a slightly dazed expression. Elizabeth was shaking her head, but she had an amused smile on her face. “She’ll be all right, George. She’s just a little shocked by us.”

“Oh, gee, can’t imagine why,” George said sarcastically. “Come along, Anna. Let’s go home.” Turning back to Elizabeth, he gave her a little bow. “Ladies, I thank you. I’m going to see about bringing her mother home after the meeting tomorrow. I may need some more help.”

“We’re only a phone call away, George,” Elizabeth answered, smiling at both of them.

* * *

George and Anna spent another quiet night, each lost in thoughts of their own. In the morning they returned to the school to find Anna’s mother sitting up and sipping tea. Anna immediately dropped to her knees and started talking. George didn’t understand a word of it, but her tone was joyous and light. Then she stood and motioned George forward. “George, dis ist mein mutty, Tilda Braun.”

George was more surprised that he understood her meaning than the introduction. He shook off his surprised and bowed deeply at the waist, then said, “I am pleased to meet you, Missus Braun.” He was also surprised to find that he had not learned Anna’s last name until now.

Tilda looked at him with her haunted eyes, but there was something more in them than there had been. Surprise warred with fear and despair, and there was just a glimmer of what could be hope. “You ist gut, good man, George. Tank, thank you,” she said in halting English, much to George and Anna’s surprise.

“You are welcome. I wish I had that book.” He smiled at Anna and Tilda, then shrugged. “When you are ready, we will take you home. You have a room of your own for as long as you need it.” He smiled, hoping that she understood, then nodded at Anna. “You stay here, Anna. I’m going to the meeting, and I’ll be back for you when it’s done.” He smiled and motioned for Anna to stay where she was, then turned and left. Anna and Tilda’s voices were a constant buzz of strange words behind him as he walked away.

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Categories: Eric, Flint