“Right. And we shouldn’t assume that the letter is genuine, ” Andy agreed with her. “Or that the governor actually signed it himself. ”

“Legally, we can’t assume that. ”

“Which reminds me, ” Andy said. “And I hope this isn’t out of line, Doctor Scarpetta. But it concerns me that Doctor Sawamatsu collects souvenirs, very inappropriate ones, or at least he brags as much to a lot of us. Do you ever go to his house?”

“No, ” she replied, her expression turning hard.

One thing she absolutely would not tolerate was disrespect toward the dead. Nor was any member of her staff allowed to even think about collecting mementos, money, personal effects, weapons, drugs, or alcohol from a body or a crime scene.

“Maybe you should drop by unannounced to see him sometime, ” Andy suggested. “At his house. ”

“Don’t worry, ” she answered. “I will. ”

“I’ll get on the poisoned chocolates case right away, ” Andy promised. “And I suppose the documents examiner needs an exemplar of the suspect’s handwriting, too. ”

“I wasn’t aware you had a suspect, ” she said. “But yes. Absolutely. If you can get his or her handwriting, that would be a very good thing. And I suggest you get an exemplar from the intended victim, as well. ”

“From Superintendent Hammer?” Andy puzzled. “Why?”

“To rule out Munchausen’s syndrome, ” Dr. Scarpetta matter-of-factly stated. “Poisoning with Ex-Lax most often occurs when an individual chronically ingests it to get attention–for example, to gain sympathy from a parent or spouse. ”

“You’re saying it’s possible Superintendent Hammer wanted us to think the governor’or someone pretending to be the governor sent her poisoned chocolates because she wants attention? I can’t believe that for a minute! You don’t know her, ” Andy said politely but defensively.

“No, I don’t know her at all, ” Dr. Scarpetta replied. “But she’s new in a very demanding position, and if her experience has been anything like mine, the governor never returns her phone calls or invites her to parties at the mansion. So she may have set up a situation to make it appear the governor was trying to poison her. If he suddenly found himself a suspect in an attempted murder, that would certainly get his attention, I should think. ”

“Might I quickly ask you about Trish Thrash?” Andy jumped to that subject. “I know it’s not my case, but I care about it a lot and as you may know, the killer left evidence on my doorstep for reasons unknown. ”

“Oh? So that was you?” Scarpetta frowned a little, and it was obvious to Andy that she was upset by the case. “A terribly mean-spirited, brutal death, ” she added. “But you were very wise to call Detective Slipper and not handle anything. We have recovered latent prints but have thus far gotten no hits in AFIS, and using STR we recovered DNA from the envelope but have gotten no hit on that, either. As for trace evidence, we did find several very long black hairs adhering to blood on the victim’s clothing. ”

“Female hairs?”

“I don’t know, ” Scarpetta replied. “But they could be. ”

“But no hits? Interesting, ” he mused. “I’m wondering if you got no hits because the individual is young with a juvenile record, which, of course, would be sealed. And until very recently, we weren’t allowed to enter a juvenile’s fingerprints or DNA profiles into the databases.

So maybe we’re looking for a hardened criminal who is young and has long black hair and might just be a female, who kills for sport and may even be associated with Smoke’s highway pirates, who possibly assaulted Moses Custer and murdered the Seven-Eleven clerk last night. ”

“I don’t know. ”

Scarpetta got up from her desk and opened the door, and Regina rushed back into the office, her notepad and pen ready.

“I don’t want to take up your time, Doctor Scarpetta, but we are very concerned about this fisherman case, ” Andy went to the next item of business. “Especially since it’s being called a hate crime, and I thought it a good idea to come down here personally to give you the information we have and see what you determine in the autopsy. A certain suspicious individual who witnessed the death claims the fisherman died of spontaneous human combustion that may have occurred when the hot lead and burning powder from a bullet caused synthetic fibers in the victim’s shirt to ignite, thus supposedly explaining why he burst into flames. And let me add, this same suspicious individual is a prime suspect in the other case we were just discussing. “

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Categories: Cornwell, Patricia