It is quite likely that a piece of iron from one of Wheland’s grenades has led to the discovery of at least one of his sunken ships, and one can only imagine the mysteries and treasures that have rested for centuries at the bottom of the bay in the area of the yellow buoy I previously mentioned. I realize that some maritime historians will insist that there is no evidence of a Tory Treasure, but I must remind my readers and Governor Crimm that Wheland “Wheelin’ Bone” did not leave a list of all the ships and plantations he raided, and we can’t be certain what ships sank, including his own, and what was on them.

Be careful out there!


Possum didn’t notice the essay when it was first posted on the website because Smoke and the road dogs had returned to the RV not even an hour before, and dread had seized Possum by the back of the neck.

“I just wish you was here with me, ” Possum was praying to Hoss. “I know I ain’t always done the right thing, but I’m trying to now. You be sure you tell Little Joe, Mr. Cartwright–and maybe Adam, if he ain’t left the show yet. Okay? If you hear me, Hoss, please round up a posse and meet me at the race. I’m real scared–the most scared I ever been in my life. I don’t know, but I got a bad feeling something ain’t gonna happen the way Trooper Truth thinks it will.

“And I can’t stand giving up Popeye. She’s the only thing warm and alive I can trust, Hoss. Think how you’d like it if you had to give away your horse or was worried a bunch of outlaws was going to ambush you when you wasn’t expecting it and shoot your horse! I know Popeye don’t belong to me and it ain’t fair for her to be locked up in this RV. I know I gotta do the right thing. But I need some help, Hoss. ”

“Now listen up, little buddy, ” Hoss said as he sat high on his beloved horse. “Outlaws are outlaws, whether they’re horse thieves or truck thieves, and you do gotta do the right thing. Me and Pa and Little Joe ain’t sore at you, and you gotta believe that. We’re mighty sore at Smoke and his pack of gun-toting outlaws, though. Each and every one of them ought to be hung from a long rope. Now you do exactly what Trooper Truth told you, and don’t be scared ’cause we’re pulling for ya. ”

Hoss faded from Possum’s mind and Possum dried his tears on the Jolly Goodwrench flag and sat up, noticing the Trooper Truth website glowing on the computer screen. He went over to his crate and clicked on the newest essay and read it with great interest, not certain but guessing what Trooper Truth had in mind. Taking a deep breath and telling Popeye to stay and be a good girl, Possum dashed out of his room and banged on Smoke’s door.

“Smoke!” Possum yelled. “Smoke, get up and look at this! You won’t believe it!”

Smoke was sitting cross-legged on his bed as he filled a hypodermic syringe with a poisonous mixture of solvents and rat poison that he had stolen from the hardware section of Wal-Mart when he had taken the road dogs out to find NASCAR colors.

“What the fuck do you want?” Smoke shouted at Possum. Smoke was high on beer, crack cocaine, and meanness after robbing another convenience store and discovering there was only eighty-two dollars in the cash drawer. “You seen Cat? Where the hell is Cat?” Smoke shouted again as he stuck the orange plastic cap back on the tip of the hypodermic needle.

Possum cracked open the door and peered through the space, his heart hammering.

“Smoke, I don’t mean to bother you none, but there’s something on the Trooper Truth web you got to see!” Possum said in a small, intimidated voice. “It’s got to do with a whole lot of treasure and we can get it if we think quick. What you doing with that needle?”

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Categories: Cornwell, Patricia