“And what if Tangier Island decides to be a problem, too? I don’t think anything will dissuade them of the ridiculous notion that NASCAR plans to take over their island, and a perfect time to launch some sort of hostile move on their part would be during the race, ” she continued to paint negative scenarios. “We ought to have troopers posted on the island, too. Frankly, I wish you could write something in an essay that would convince those people to behave and settle down, but I doubt anyone on Tangier even has a computer. ”

“I’ve received no communications from anybody on the island, ” Andy informed her. “So you’re probably right. No one there is reading me. But based on all the satellite dishes I noticed, they certainly watch TV. So why not create a diversion on the island? I can plant something in my next essay that will end up being broadcast in the news before the race. ”

He thought of Fonny Boy and the rusting piece of iron, and decided that nothing captured an Islander’s attention more than items of value that they feared outsiders might try to take from them. Andy began to write a carefully worded e-mail that instructed his anonymous pirate friend to leave his or her computer logged on to Trooper Truth and watch for the next essay. In addition, the anonymous pirate was to inform Smoke that Cat was busy practicing autorotations and getting his check ride and would meet them at Tangier Island after the race so he had time to do a high recon of the area and set up their new headquarters.

“Tell Smoke and the others that Cat got word of a huge stash of treasure, and his instructor was going to drop Cat off on the island early and would fly Smoke and the dogs to the race as planned, then whisk them to Tangier Island where Cat would already be out in a boat, securing the treasure before anybody else found it, ” Andy e-mailed the anonymous pirate. “Assuming Cat doesn’t have a computer or know how to use one, just say that the e-mail alerting them about all this came from the helicopter instructor, Trooper Macovich, who has decided to throw in his lot with you road dogs and be your pilot and get you guns and scuba gear, set up money laundering, and make runs to Canada and whatever else you need, in exchange for his being cut in on a modest share of the treasure. ”

Possum was slightly confused and a little frightened when he got Trooper Truth’s latest communication, but he would do as he was instructed and leave the computer logged on to the website and pass on the information to Smoke. But Possum did have one final question:

Dear Trooper Truth,

This is the last time I write you but I was wondering if you could take that picture of Popeye in her red coat off the front page of your web. See, if Smoke see that picture, it will be the end of Popeye ’cause he don’t know anybody still looking for her except the lady supintenderent Popeye got stole from.

P. S. My name is Possum but I use to be Jeremiah Little before Smoke made me join his road dogs or else kill me, he said. Can you call my mama and tell her I’m o. k. and ain’t in any trouble and find out if she still living with my daddy, ’cause if she is, I can’t go back to the basement and won’t have no place to go when I get free of Smoke and move out of the RV?

P. S. P. S. Don’t forget your promise!.

Andy replied with an Instant Message assuring Possum that Popeye’s photograph was being removed right that minute, and of course, Trooper Truth would call Possum’s mama and keep all promises. Andy also wrote:

When you are about to leave the racetrack, be the first one to climb into the back of the big helicopter that Trooper Macovich will be flying. Then slide across the seat with Popeye and rush out the other door and run as fast as you can toward a camper that is flying a Virginia flag and has six traffic cones in front. The camper will be easily visible on the other side of the fence surrounding the helipad, and I will be sitting in a lawn chair in front, disguised as a drunk NASCAR fan. Please stay clear of the tail-rotor!

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Categories: Cornwell, Patricia