James Axler – Demons of Eden

“You got those things from your forefathers?” Ryan asked.

Aloud, Joe replied, “We shall talk later of it. Now, I want you to speak to our prisoner.”

Ryan glanced at the wolf. It met his gaze with a quizzical tilt of the head. “Nice doggy,” he said.

Ignoring the nervous laughter from Ryan’s friends, Joe said acidly, “Not like that. Touch the crystal point as before.”

Ryan did so, mentally focusing on the wolf. The image of a fanged, pointy-eared face materialized in his mind.

Tell him about your blasters, about their power to slay.

It took Ryan an uneasy moment to accept that Joe had addressed him telepathically, not audibly.

In his mind the image of the wolfs eyes flashed a blazing, green-gold fire, bright and beautiful, but almost painful to look upon. Involuntarily Ryan closed his eye.

“I know about your weapons, outlander. They are the reason Sisoka bade me to slay you.

The thought-voice was strange, oddly filtered and husky, yet familiar. Underlying it, however, was a note of wisdom, a sadness combined with a guileless innocence.

Why didn’t you ? Ryan asked, a bit surprised at the ease with which he formed the thought-words.

Instincts. I trust them. So should you.

Why are you a prisoner?

To make a bargain, such as the bargain Touch-the-Sky made with you and your ignorant outland friends.

Ryan’s skin crawled, not so much at the concept of a wolf brain communicating with a human brain, but at the ambient tone of sadness tinting the beast’s reply.

What do you mean ? Ryan asked.

You have been promised a reward Touch-the-Sky cannot give.

Silence ! The thought-word flared with such passion that Ryan nearly stumbled backward.

“What?” J.B. snapped aloud, releasing his grip on the crystal point. If he had been amazed by the telepathic conversation between Ryan and the beast, it was submerged beneath a flood of angry suspicion.

Wheeling on Joe, he demanded, “What’s it mean you can’t give what you promised?”

Joe lowered the wafer and stared venomously at the wolf. The creature’s tongue lolled from between open jaws, as if it were enjoying the punchline to a joke.

“He lies. I’ll have him removed.”

“Like hell,” Ryan said sharply. He tightened his hand on the crystal point.

What do you mean?

A soundless burst of snarling lupine laughter filled Ryan’s mind.

Touch-the-Sky promised you the yellow metal.

Yes. Is there none?

There is much of it. Ti-Ra’-Wa has gold in abundance, but you cannot reach it.


It is in the sacred-power place.

And where is that ? Ryan demanded.

Enough ! came Joe’s enraged thought-shout.

Ryan ignored the man’s command. Explain .

You will not understand.


You are only a shadow of the real world , Blood-sniffer said reasonably, and your life here means little. But the places and things of power must be preserved, for the sake of Grandmother Earth. Many medicine spots were defiled during the purification. You do not understand that if these things and places of power are destroyed, the life circle will be broken and thus destroy the process of life itself .

What are you talking about ? Ryan demanded.

The Cavern of Creation, which nurtures a spark of the first circle. It is the place whence all life sprang, long, long ago.

Why can’t we reach it?

The wolfs answer was like a snap of its jaws quick, decisive and painful. It is death for any human who has not been purified. You, with your blasters and your greed, believe you can invade that holy place and steal away its wealth ?

We didn’t come here to steal , Ryan responded angrily.

The cavern is guarded by my brotherhood. Their lives are sworn to our Grandmother. You cannot hope to slay them all before you are slain.

We didn’t come here to steal . Ryan repeated.

There was a silence for an instant. ” I know why you came. You have been deceived, outlander. I am sorry for you .

Chapter Nineteen

Swinging away from the wall, eye blazing with cobalt fury, Ryan advanced on Joe. “Is that true?”

Joe shrugged. “It is true the gold is in the cavern, at the far end of the valley.”

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Categories: James Axler