James Axler – Demons of Eden

“That’s the easy part,” Mildred declared.

Thousands of years ago the first humans who lived here, Joe’s ancestors, learned how to manipulate the energies to build all of this, maybe not on a truly conscious level but through what was known as a probability wave function,’ a theorem that states that my two particles that have once been in contact continue to influence each other. In other words Joe’s ancestors, the observers of this energy packet, created their own branching probability, their own reality.”

Tapping her forehead, Mildred continued, “I wouldn’t be a bit surprised to learn that close contact with the energy packet enhanced the latent psychic powers of the mind. That may explain the intelligent animals, too.”

“As one of my scientist warders at Project Chronos was wont to implore,” Doc said, ” ‘bottom-line’ it for me.”

“If my hypothesis has any foundation, then we may be able to manipulate the energies in the cavern to help ourselves. Maybe even return you to your own time period.”

J.B. looked up from his oiling and cleaning. His eyes blinked behind the lenses of his spectacles.

Doc sat up straight in his chair, eyes widening. “Impossible!”

“No,” Mildred replied firmly. “Utilizing and manipulating quantum energies brought you here, Doc, with the use of technological interfaces to tap into the stream. If the same kind of energy interface exists in the cavern, a natural packet, then the possibilities are endless.”

“And Joe’s plan to reshape the planet?” Ryan asked. “Is that possible, too?”

“I don’t see why not. Of course, the downside, which this Sisoka woman fears, may be just as valid.”

“In what way?” Krysty asked.

“If these energies are as potent as Joe claims, and if their effects can be influenced, even determined by force of will, then they may run wild. An apocalypse could be triggered that would make the nukecaust and the skydark look a Fourth of July celebration.”

“That,” Joe said, “is a risk I’m willing to take.”

The lithe Lakota stood leaning against the doorway, his arms folded across his chest. “I’ve brought Blood-sniffer back to the crystal chamber. Come with me, Ochinee. There is no need for the rest of you.”

Ryan exchanged searching looks with his friends. Doc’s eyes were clouded as he thought about the past, and now a possible way to return to it, to his family. That was his dream.

When Ryan and Joe reached the crystal-encrusted room, Little Mountain brought in the wolf, the leash taut around its neck. The animal swept Ryan with its gaze. Once again he felt an uncanny chill upon looking into those bright, cold eyes.

Joe gave Ryan a golden, disk-studded wafer, a twin to the one in his right hand. “Use this.”

When both men had pressed the wafers to their foreheads, Joe thought, You must choose now to help end this conflict between our people .

The wolfs black lips writhed back from gleaming fangs in a soundless snarl. You want nothing more than to rule our people , came the fierce reply. “I will not help you. Kill me now.

I do not wish to kill you. I wish to speak to Sisoka.

Speak to her, then , the wolf retorted contemptuously.

On my terms , Joe thought. Not hers. You can guide a few of us into the camp of the Wolf Soldiers. Do so, and you will go free .

Blood-sniffer’s telepathic reply came after a long pause. If I do that, I would be in direct disobedience to the Guardian’s orders .

Sisoka is not the Guardian. She does not have the support of all of Ti-Ra’-Wa.

Nor do you , the wolf coolly countered.

True , Joe agreed. Therefore you will not be disobeying a Guardian’s orders. There is no treachery in this act .

The animal’s eyes widened. The simple logic seemed unshakable. It glanced back and forth between Joe and Ryan.

You promise not to kill any of my people?

You have my word.

The wolfs eyes flicked back to Ryan’s face. Do I have your word also, outlander ?

If my life is not directly threatened, nor those of my friends , Ryan replied mentally, you also have my word .

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Categories: James Axler