James Axler – Demons of Eden

Forcing a patience into his voice that he didn’t feel, he said, “Touch-the-Sky thinks it’s a core of energy, trapped in the cave since the very beginnings of the universe.”

“Yes,” Pizi grunted.

“He thinks your ancestors once had the knowledge to use that energy to manipulate the planet.”

“True,” Sisoka agreed.

“All right, then,” Ryan said, “why do you think he’s a traitor for wanting to use the energy in the same way your ancestors did?”

Pizi’s hands clenched tight, and he pounded them on his knees. “He thinks our ancestors used the power as a woman uses a needle and thread. Our ancestors were but vessels for the power. They obeyed its bidding.”

Ryan leaned back, staring at the man incredulously. He glanced at Sisoka. “I don’t get it.”

Sisoka sighed wearily. “It’s not complicated, Ryan Cawdor. We cannot use the power in the cavern to heal Grandmother Earth. The power is Grandmother Earth.”

Ryan was struck speechless for a long tick of time. He opened his mouth to voice a question, then shut it again. He hunched his shoulders and looked around the tepee, as if expecting to see someone.

“What is it?” Sisoka asked.

Eye narrowed, he half whispered, “Krysty?”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

The little bark lodge faced west, and since it was still morning, the sun shone against the far wall. The light peeping in around the edges of the animal pelt hanging in front of the low entrance was dim. They sat on the ground, leaning against the wooden walls, their bound wrists resting on their knees.

No one had spoken for what seemed like a very long time. Finally Jak said softly, “Waiting room in Hell.”

“I’ve got to get out of here,” Krysty stated.

“All of us have to get out of here,” J.B. replied sourly.

“No,” Krysty said impatiently. “I need to reach the crystal chamber. Mebbe I can contact Ryanif he’s still alive.”

“If he is, and he doesn’t have the sender,” Mildred contended, “you won’t be able to communicate with him.”

“I didn’t say communicate, I said contact. With the crystals enhancing my own natural psionic abilities, I might at least be able to sense his mind.”

“And if you do, then what?” Doc inquired. “And more importantly, if you do not, then what?”

Krysty didn’t answer for a long moment. Finally, in a hushed voice, she said, “I don’t know.”

All of them jumped at the sharp collection of sounds driving into the low-ceilinged lodge from outside. They recognized the soundsthe dry-twig snapping of the Smith amp; Wesson 640, the deeper boom of the Colt Python, the slamming bang of the ZKR, the heavy thump of the Le Mat and the whip-crack of the Steyr.

After the fusillade of noise ceased, they heard Joe’s voice, shouting impatient orders and instructions in Lakota.

“They’re practicing with our blasters,” J.B. said. “Didn’t hear the Uzi or the scattergun, so I guess Joe and Little Mountain are keeping hold of them.”

He sighed and added bitterly, “We’ve got to get out of here.”

Raising her bound wrists to her mouth, Krysty sank her teeth into the thongs. Everyone saw what she was doing and followed suit, though Doc gave up after a few experimental bites. The leather strips were tough, but they were sure they could chew through them given enough time, provided they had much of that commodity.

The thongs tasted awful, but their flavor reminded Krysty that they hadn’t eaten in nearly sixteen hours. She kept gnawing until her jaws ached and the rawhide was slippery with saliva. She took a break.

Suddenly the pelt hanging in front of the door was pushed aside, and Sunlata entered. She was holding an earthenware bowl full of water in one hand and another bowl containing some sort of steaming stew.

Jak and Krysty exchanged quick glances. As Sunlata stooped over to place the bowls in the center of the lodge, Jak’s wire-taut muscles gave a heave and the thongs parted.

Sunlata’s head whipped toward him at the sound, and she began a backward step, but she backed right into Krysty’s out-thrust leg. As she began to fall, Jak threw himself across the young woman’s body, locking his hands around her slim throat to prevent any cries of alarm. He started to squeeze with all his strength when he realized Sunlata wasn’t struggling or even trying to pry his fingers away.

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Categories: James Axler