James Axler – Skydark Spawn

The baron turned to Ryan and Mildred and said, “Put these two in gen pop, working the orchards.”

“And the redhead?”

“Take her to my quarters and make her comfortable,” the baron said. “I’ve got something special in mind for her.”

Chapter Twelve

Two boats full of raiders, blasters and fish shoved off from the southern shore of Erie Lake before the sun was at its highest point in the sky. Sec chief Ganley took the navigator’s position of the first boat, since he was the one in charge of the mission and it was only right that he take the lead. Later, when they were out of view of the people of Reichel ville who’d gathered to send them off, he would take his turn paddling, just like everyone else.

The plan was to travel along the southern shore of Erie Lake until dark, then make camp for the night and set out the next day on the second leg of their water journey. Then, sometime on the second day, they would land at the old garrison that guarded the mouth of the river there.

Another night’s rest and they’d make the final part of their journey overland, heading straight north until they hit upon their destination; Ganley wasn’t happy about having to travel so far overland, but it was easier and safer than risking the river and the treacherous falls at its end.

“Stroke…stroke…stroke…” the sec chief called out, keeping a steady pace.

Despite the extra passengers and the load of dried fish, the boats were making good progress. Perhaps they wouldn’t be spending as much time on the water as he’d thought.

J.B., JAK, DEAN AND DOC left the hotel, slightly burdened by Ryan’s, Krysty’s and Mildred’s belongings. J.B. had wanted to leave the bags of fruit behind, but Doc insisted that they take the food with them. Even though the fruit had been tainted by some sort of drug, Doc thought that he’d be able to make use of at least one bag during their trip.

J.B. didn’t press the matter. If the old man wanted to take the fruit, then he was free to carry it himself.

The four friends moved slowly through the ville’s blasted core. While they were always on the lookout for anything of value that they could use, especially now that they had to rescue the others, it was clear the ville had already been picked clean by local barons, travelers and muties. Plenty of useful items were likely still hidden away inside the ville, but they didn’t have time to search blindly through dozens of homes and buildings looking for needles in haystacks.

As they walked past the large high tower that overlooked the falls, J.B. stopped to look up at the great concrete needle.

“What are you thinking?” Dean asked.

“That there was someone up there yesterday watching us enter the ville.”

“Think someone there now?” Jak asked.

“Don’t know.”

“Want find out?”

J.B. thought about it, then said, “Yeah.”

They headed toward the tower and entered through the smashed entryway. The little shops inside had been cleaned out of the most useful items, and only little trinkets bearing pictures of the falls remained. Dean picked up a few and stuffed them in his pockets.

Jak checked out the routes to the top. The elevators weren’t working, but the stairs were clear. There were no signs of any sec men guarding the base of the tower, which meant that the top would likely be clear, as well. “Take stairs,” Jak said when he’d finished his recce.

J.B., Dean and Doc followed the teenager into the stairwell. They had gone up three flights when Jak suddenly stopped and turned.

“Muties,” he said to the friends behind him.

J.B. looked up the twisting staircase and could see three of the thin, spiderlike creatures standing on the stairs above them, unmoving and seemingly wary of the friends.

“Let’s blast them,” Dean suggested, always eager for a fight.

“No,” J.B. commanded. “We can’t shoot around corners, and there’s no telling what kind of ricochets we’ll get off this concrete.”

“Want go back down?” Jak asked.

“Mebbe,” J.B. said.

“But you would very much appreciate getting a good lay of the land from the vantage point offered by this magnificent tower, correct?” Doc asked.

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Categories: James Axler