James Axler – Skydark Spawn

“Mine should have breeding hips,” another said.

“My man’s gotta be strong,” Rhonda said. “Stronger than me.”

“Not many of those around,” someone quipped.

Ganley agreed. “Seeing you in action, Rhonda, makes me think that there is no such man on the planet.”

“No, he’s out there somewhere,” she said, turning to look over the surface of the water. “And I’m going to find him.”

After a moment’s silence, punctuated by the crackling of the fire, Rhonda looked at Ganley and said, “What about you, Chief? What are you looking for on this trip?”

The sec chief smiled. His only intention was to lead the mission and return as many people safely to the village as he could. The thought that he might take a mate back with him had never even occurred to him. “I’m just looking to get you all back to Reichel ville alive.”

“Come on, Chief, you must have a preference.”

“Well, she would have to be healthy, but that’s obvious.” He paused a moment further to consider the question. “I’ve always liked red hair…”

“See, I told you. Everyone has things they like.”

“And dark skin. One or the other.”

“Well,” Rhonda said, getting up to check on the fish. “We’ll see if we can find one or the other for you. Or maybe even both.”

The travelers smiled and laughed.

“Fish is ready,” Rhonda said.

“Eat up, everyone, then get some rest. We’ve got a long day tomorrow, and it starts with the sun.”

Chapter Twenty-One

Ryan spent the night in a cabin with Mildred. After he’d signed up for the contest, several women not yet matched up for the night came around asking Ryan if he’d been spoken for.

“He’s with me,” Mildred said, changing her story from earlier in the day.

“Besides,” Ryan said, “I need my strength for tomorrow and you look like you’d tire me out.”

That sent the women away with smiles on their faces.

Both Mildred and Ryan enjoyed a good night’s sleep, but when the sun came up they were roused out of bed by sec men banging on the side of the cabin.

“We’re burning daylight, people,” the sec man shouted. “If you want to watch the contest today, you’ve got to start work that much earlier.”

The two friends went to the cafeteria for breakfast, and afterward Mildred was led to the nursery and Ryan joined Brody and the rest of his crew out in the orchards.

“Have you ever seen one of these contests before?” Ryan asked Brody as they began pulling weeds.

“A couple times.”

“What are they like?”

“The first one I saw had only two men in it. This couple had been kidnapped on their way south and the woman was put up for battle. Her man signed up, but so did Purvis. This guy put up a good fight, but wouldn’t give up and in the end Purvis had to chill him to make him stop fighting. Thing of it was, I don’t even think Purvis wanted the woman, since she was already a little on the old side.”

“And the other time?”

“This young girl, beautiful in just about every way. More than a dozen signed up for it, but most backed out early when they saw that Mog had entered.”

“Who’s Mog?”

“Big man,” Brody answered. “Stands six-five, six-six, weighs near three hundred pounds. He’s the farm’s alpha male and pretty mean, too, meaner even than Purvis.”

“He’s signed up for this contest?”

“Oh, yeah,” Brody nodded. “He has to if he wants to maintain his position.”

“And how many others?”

“I checked this morning before getting on the wag. Eighteen so far. Might be more, might be less by the end of the day.”

Ryan nodded. “What about weapons?”

“No blasters, of course. But when the contest begins, an assortment of hand weapons will be thrown into the arena, everything from sharp sticks and clubs to chains and maces.”

“So why haven’t the others joined together to get rid of this Mog?”

“There are those loyal to him. They watch his back, and he rewards them with breeders they might not have otherwise.”

“How many loyals does he have?”

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Categories: James Axler