James Axler – Skydark Spawn

In addition to the baron, several men were inside the room. Most noticeable was a man standing just inside the door like a piece of furniture. He said nothing, hadn’t even moved, and Krysty thought there was something dangerous about how quiet he was. He looked to be thinking all the time, and what was going on in the room at that moment didn’t require all that much thought. There were several sec men, too, but they all seemed giddy as prepubescent teens. They were dangerous, too, but in a way that was different from the man with the book under his arm. The sec men would chill you at any moment; the other would chill only when the time was right.

“You’re rather beautiful,” the baron said. “Did you know that?”

“I’ve been told once or twice.”

“Unzip your jumpsuit.”

Krysty shook her head. “No.”

The baron smiled. “All the breeders who come to Fox Farm are like you at first. They resist, or they have crazy notions about love, but I assure you I can be very persuasive.”

“I’m sure you can be.”

“You see, your options right now are very limited. You can make it easy on yourself and rut with me willingly, or I’ll have you chained to a wall and force you to breed.”

Krysty said nothing.

The baron walked over to the door and knocked on it three times. A moment later the door opened and the man with the ledger under his arm reappeared, followed this time by three sec men. The sec men surrounded her and leveled their blasters at her head.

“Now,” the baron said and smiled. “Unzip your jumpsuit to your waist.”

Krysty slowly complied, taking her time to give herself the chance to think.

Mildred had once told her about a predark defense tactic for women in this situation suggesting a woman should cooperate with the man until she found a safe way out of her predicament. And if she never found a way out, then she should keep cooperating because that way at least the man might not chill her, which was something he was sure to do if you resisted. It seemed like triple-stupe advice, but Krysty wasn’t sure what else she could do at the moment.

Of course, she could always call on the power of Gaia, the Earth Mother, if she needed to. Although it would leave her weak and vulnerable afterward, it wouldn’t be so bad if she was able to chill the baron and a few of his sec men along the way. She decided she’d keep Gaia as a last resort, calling upon her if and when Mildred’s predark strategy didn’t work out.

“Excellent,” the baron said as she finished. “Now, take it off.”

Krysty hesitated for a second, but then did as she was told, slipping her arms out of the jumpsuit so that the top part of it fell around her waist and left her upper body exposed. It was possible that the man didn’t want to do anything other than look.

“All of it!” he said. “And the undergarments.”

When she finally stripped, she could hear a few approving words being muttered by the sec men in the room. At another time she might be flattered, but right now she was feeling sick to her stomach.

“A natural redhead, I see,” the baron observed. “You are now my prize breeder. Your offspring will bring top jack for years to come. Congratulations.”

Krysty was about to tell the baron to go fuck himself, but decided it might be wiser to hold her tongue for just a little while longer.

“Sit down,” he instructed.

Krysty sat again, crossing her legs and folding her arms across her chest.

The baron opened his bathrobe to expose himself as if he were drawing back curtains. He was hard, but his cock was small for a man of his height.

“Spread your legs!”

She uncrossed her legs and slowly spread them apart, wondering if the predark instructions Mildred had told her about had been made up by men like this baron. She didn’t seem to be any closer to finding a way out of this situation.

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Categories: James Axler