Low men in yellow coats by Stephen King

Bobby was in plenty of time.

When Roy DeLois pulled up to the curb, there was eighty cents on his meter. Add in a fifty-cent tip and you were talking about a big hole in the old Bike Fund, but Bobby didn’t care. He was never going to make a big deal out of money the way she did. If he could warn Ted before the low men could grab him, Bobby would be content to walk forever.

‘I don’t like leaving you off here,’ Roy DeLois said. ‘Where’s your grandpa?’

‘Oh, he’ll be right along,’ Bobby said, striving for a cheerful tone and almost making it. It was really amazing what you could do when your back was against the wall.

He held out the money. For a moment Roy DeLois hesitated instead of taking the dough;

thought about driving him back to Spicer’s, but if the kid’s not telling the truth about his grandpa what’s he doing down here? Roy DeLois thought . He’s too young to want to get laid.

I’m fine, Bobby sent back . . . and yes, he thought he could do that, too — a little, anyway.

Go on, stop worrying, I’m fine.

Roy DeLois finally took the crumpled dollar and the trio of dimes. ‘This is really too much,’ he said.

‘My grandpa told me to never be stingy like some people are,’ Bobby said, getting out of the cab. ‘Maybe you ought to get a new dog. You know, a puppy.’

Roy DeLois was maybe fifty, but surprise made him look much younger. ‘How . . . ‘

Then Bobby heard him decide he didn’t care how. Roy DeLois put his cab in gear and drove away, leaving Bobby in front of the Wo Fat Noodle Company.

He stood there until the cab’s taillights disappeared, then began walking slowly in the direction of The Corner Pocket, pausing long enough to look through the dusty window of SPECIAL SOUVENIRS. The bamboo blind was up but the only special souvenir on display was a ceramic ashtray in the shape of a toilet. There was a groove for a cigarette in the seat. PARK

YOUR BUTT was written on the tank. Bobby considered this quite witty but not much of a window display; he had sort of been hoping for items of a sexual nature. Especially now that the sun had gone down.


FOR ALL OKASIONS. Up ahead was another bar, more young men on the corner, and the sound of The Cadillacs: Brrrrr, black slacks, make ya cool, Daddy-0, when ya put em on you’re a-rarin to go. Bobby crossed the street, trotting with his shoulders hunched, his head down, and his hands in his pockets.

Across from the bar was an out-of-business restaurant with a tattered awning still overhanging its soaped windows. Bobby slipped into its shadow and kept going, shrinking back once when someone shouted and a bottle shattered. When he reached the next corner he re-crossed Nasty Gansett Street on the diagonal, getting back to the side The Corner Pocket was on.

As he went, he tried to tune his mind outward and pick up some sense of Ted, but there was nothing. Bobby wasn’t all that surprised. If he had been Ted, he would have gone someplace like the Bridgeport Public Library where he could hang around without being noticed. Maybe after the library closed he’d get a bite to eat, kill a little more time that way.

Eventually he’d call another cab and come to collect his money. Bobby didn’t think he was anywhere close yet, but he kept listening for him. He was listening so hard that he walked into a guy without even seeing him.

‘Hey, cabró n! ‘ the guy said – laughing, but not in a nice way. Hands grabbed Bobby’s shoulders and held him. ‘Where was you think you goin, putino? ‘

Bobby looked up and saw four young guys, what his mom would have called corner boys, standing in front of a place called BODEGA. They were Puerto Ricans, he thought, and all wearing sharp-creased slacks. Black boots with pointed toes poked out from beneath their pants cuffs. They were also wearing blue silk jackets with the word DIABLOS written on the back. The I was a devil’s pitchfork. Something seemed familiar about the pitchfork, but Bobby had no time to think about that. He realized with a sinking heart that he had wandered into four members of some gang.

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Categories: Stephen King